Love Of Love So Wondrous – Hymn Lyric

"Embrace the Pardon Offered by the King of Glory - Love Of Love So Wondrous"

Love Of Love So Wondrous – Hymn Lyric

“Love Of Love So Wondrous: Embracing the Pardon Offered by the King of Glory” explores the profound love extended to us by the King of Glory and the invitation to receive His pardon. This hymn reminds us of the urgency to open our hearts and embrace the love that has knocked on our door. It emphasizes the impact of our on the King of Glory and the opportunity to find and redemption through His forgiveness.


Love Of Love So Wondrous – Hymn Lyric

Love of love so wondrous, Rich and , Now the King of Glory A pardon offers .

Refrain: While he’s waiting, pleading, knocking, Let him in. For heart he’s waited, Days and years; And thy sins, long hated, Have caused him bitter tears.

Canst thou leave his pardon Still unknown, And forget the mercy That unto thee he’s shown?

Soon the day is coming When, alone, Trembling or rejoicing, Thou must his kingship own.

Ah! his love, unchanging, Calls thee home, And the gathering shadows Bid thee no longer roam.


Meaning of Love Of Love So Wondrous

Love Of Love So Wondrous: Embracing the Pardon Offered by the King of Glory

In this hymn, we are reminded of the profound and all-encompassing love that is extended to each and every one of us. It is a love that is truly wondrous and beyond compare, and it is freely given by the King of Glory Himself. This love offers us something truly remarkable, a pardon.

To better understand the meaning behind these powerful lyrics, let us delve deeper into the message they convey. They speak of a love that is reaching out to us, waiting for us to embrace it. It is a love that has been patiently and persistently knocking on the door of our hearts, urging us to let it in.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of this invitation. The King of Glory is waiting, pleading with us, begging us to open our hearts to Him. He desires nothing more than to bestow upon us His pardon and forgiveness. It is an opportunity that we cannot afford to ignore or squander. For it is through this pardon that our hearts can find true peace and redemption.

The verse continues, painting a poignant picture of the great longing and that our sins have caused the King of Glory. Our transgressions, which may have seemed small or insignificant in our eyes, have left a deep impact on Him. He has shed tears over our actions, yearning for us to turn from our sins and seek His forgiveness. This imagery reminds us of the weight and consequences of our actions and the immense grace that is extended to us despite them.

But why do we hesitate? Why do we allow the days and years to go by without embracing the pardon that is so readily offered? Is it fear? Is it pride? Perhaps it is a lack of understanding or a feeling of unworthiness. Whatever the reason may be, we must not let it prevent us from receiving the mercy and love that has been shown to us.

The hymn warns of a time when we will no longer have the luxury of postponing our decision. The day is coming when we will stand alone, trembling or rejoicing, as we face the reality of our choices. We will have to confront the truth of our lives, the impact of our actions, and ultimately, we will have to acknowledge the kingship of the King of Glory. It is a responsibility and an honor that each one of us must eventually face.

Yet, even in the face of our hesitations and shortcomings, the love of the King of Glory remains unchanged. His love continuously calls us home, beckoning us to embrace His forgiveness and mercy. The gathering shadows of doubt, shame, and insecurity hold no power over the steadfast love that He extends to us. There is no that His light cannot pierce, no sin that His love cannot overcome.

As we reflect upon the hymn, we are reminded of the immeasurable love of the King of Glory. His love is unlike any other, reaching out to us, offering us pardon and renewal. It is a love that we can no longer afford to overlook or disregard. We must open our hearts to receive it, allowing it to transform our lives from the inside out.

So, let us not leave this pardon unknown. Let us not forget the mercy that has been shown to us. Instead, let us embrace the love of love so wondrous and allow it to guide us on a of forgiveness and redemption. For in accepting the love of the King of Glory, we discover a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the Pardon Offered by the King of Glory - Love Of Love So Wondrous
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