Many Precious Souls Are Groping – Hymn Lyric

Many Precious Souls Are Groping in the darkness

Many Precious Souls Are Groping – Hymn Lyric

Many Precious Souls Are Groping in the Darkness: Shining Your to Guide Them In the vast sea of humanity, countless souls are searching for something more. It is our duty, guided by the of God, to hold our lights high and bring to those who have lost their way. By reaching out our hands in rescue and offering kindness and understanding, we can be the guiding light that leads others towards the light.


Many Precious Souls Are Groping – Hymn Lyric

Many precious souls are groping
In the darkness and the night,
Waiting for the dawn of ,
Yearning for the light.

Hold your light still higher, brother,
Keep it burning clear and bright;
You may rescue some poor lost one
Struggling, struggling toward the light.

God, who called you into service,
Would constrain you by His love,
To assist your erring brothers
To the port above.


Like a light-house watcher,
Keeping every beacon bright,
Let your lamp shine out, my brother,
On the gloomy night.


Do not let the thousands perish
Underneath the angry wave,
But reach out the hand of rescue,
And the lost ones save.


Meaning of Many Precious Souls Are Groping

Many Precious Souls Are Groping in the Darkness: Shining Your Light to Guide Them Home

In the vast sea of humanity, there are countless souls who are searching for something more. They find themselves in the midst of darkness and uncertainty, desperately yearning for the dawn of a new day. It is up to us, as individuals guided by the love and compassion of God, to hold our lights high and bring hope to those who have lost their way.

Imagine a world where every person is a guiding light, where kindness and understanding guide our actions. In this , we are reminded of our duty to our fellow brothers and sisters, to reach out and help them find their way to the port of .

We are called into service by God, not to judge or condemn, but to assist and uplift. Like a faithful lighthouse watcher, we must keep our beacons burning bright, offering a guiding light to those lost in the darkness. Our lamp becomes a symbol of hope, a glimmer of possibility amidst the gloom.

It is easy to become complacent and assume that someone else will take on the responsibility of rescuing those in need. However, this hymn urges us not to let thousands perish underneath the angry waves. We must not turn a blind eye to the suffering and despair that surrounds us.

To be a true disciple of Christ means to reach out our hands in rescue, to pull those who are drowning in the sea of life back to safety. Our compassion and willingness to help can be a lifeline to those who feel lost and alone.

In a world that can often feel cold and indifferent, it is up to us to provide warmth and love. The power of a kind word or a gentle touch should never be underestimated. By shining our light, we have the opportunity to make a profound impact on someone’s life.

When we hold our light higher, we become beacons of hope, illuminating the path for others. We have the ability to rescue those who are struggling, helping them find their way toward the light. The satisfaction of knowing that we played a role in someone’s spiritual journey is immeasurable.

The journey toward salvation is not an easy one. It is filled with obstacles, doubts, and moments of despair. But when we come together, supporting and uplifting one another, we create an environment where everyone has a chance to find their way back to God.

As we reflect on these words, let us remember the importance of reaching out to those who are groping in the darkness. We have been with the light of God’s love, and it is our duty to share that light with others.

Whether through acts of kindness, lending a listening ear, or simply offering a smile, each of us has the power to make a difference. We may never know the impact our actions have on someone’s life, but we can rest assured that our efforts to spread love and compassion are never in vain.

So, my brothers and sisters, let us stand together and keep our lights burning clear and bright. In doing so, we will create a world where precious souls no longer need to grope in the darkness, but instead find solace and guidance on their journey toward the light.

May we never underestimate the power of a single act of kindness. Together, we can bring hope to those who have lost their way and help them find their path back to God. Let us hold our light higher, my brothers and sisters, and make a difference in the lives of those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Many Precious Souls Are Groping in the darkness, yearning for the light. Hold your light higher and guide them home. Be a beacon of hope and make a difference.


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