My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Sing praises to "My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love

My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

“My Blessed Savior Is Thy ” is a hymn of deep devotion and gratitude to our Savior, . It celebrates His boundless love, His worthiness, and the sacrificial love He displayed on the . Through this hymn, we promise to cherish His love and share His name as a precious gift with others.


My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

My blessed Savior, is Thy Love
So great, so full, so free?
Behold, I give my love, my heart,
My , my all to .

I love Thee for the glorious worth
In Thy great self I see:
I love Thee for that shameful cross
Thou hast endured for me.

No man of greater love can boast
Than for his friend to die:
But for Thy enemies Thou wast slain:
What love with Thine can vie!

O , I’ll cherish in my soul
The memory of Thy love:
And Thy dear Name shall still to me
A priceless treasure prove.


Meaning of My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love

My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love: A Hymn of Devotion and Gratitude

Oh, how fortunate we are to have a Savior whose love knows no bounds! It is a love so great, so full, and so free that it leaves us in awe. With these heartfelt words, we express our deep affection and commitment to our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.

In this hymn, we acknowledge the worthiness of our Savior. His greatness is evident in His very nature, and we cannot help but love Him for it. As we reflect on His divine attributes, our love for Him grows stronger. We see His mercy, His compassion, and His boundless , and we are overwhelmed by His unfailing love.

But there is something else that stirs our hearts even more deeply – the cross. We love our Savior for the sacrifice He made on our behalf. To think that He endured such a shameful death, taking upon Himself the of the , fills us with gratitude and love. This act of love on the cross is a testament to His immense care for us, His beloved children.

When we consider the love of other men, we may find examples of great sacrifice. A man may be willing to die for his friend, demonstrating a commendable love. However, our Savior’s love surpasses all others because He willingly laid down His life not only for His friends but also for His enemies. His love knows no boundaries and extends to all, without exception. Such sacrificial love is unparalleled, and there is none that can compare to His.

As we sing this hymn in praise and adoration, we make a solemn promise to our beloved Savior. We vow to cherish His love deep within our souls, never forgetting the sacrifice He made for us. His love will be a constant reminder of His grace and mercy. We will hold onto His name, treasuring it as a priceless gift. For in His name, we find comfort, strength, and salvation.

This hymn serves as a beautiful reminder of the love and devotion we have for our Savior. As we delve deeper into the meaning behind these words, we uncover profound truths that resonate with our faith. It is a hymn that stirs the heart and uplifts the spirit, bringing us closer to God’s love and grace.

In a world that often feels cold and uncaring, it is a comfort to know that we have a Savior whose love is unwavering. His love brings warmth to our souls and fills us with a sense of peace and joy. It reminds us that we are never alone, for He is always by our side, guiding and protecting us.

But this hymn is not meant to be kept to oneself. It is a testament of our love for our Savior that we can share with others. As we sing these words together, we invite others to experience the deep love and devotion we have for our blessed Savior. It is a hymn that can bring communities together, uniting hearts in worship and praise.

In conclusion, “My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love” is a hymn that speaks volumes about our love and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ. It reminds us of His great worth and the sacrifice He made on the cross. It encourages us to hold onto His love and cherish His name as a precious gift. This hymn is a beautiful expression of our faith, a source of comfort and inspiration. Let us sing these words with joy and gratitude, sharing the message of God’s love with all who will listen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing praises to My Blessed Savior Is Thy Love, a hymn that beautifully expresses our love and devotion to Jesus Christ, showcasing His worth, the sacrifice on the cross, and his unparalleled love for all. Let these heartfelt words inspire and uplift your soul.


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