My Soul Her Song Shall Raise – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of praising the LORD in "My Soul Her Song Shall Raise." Discover the power of the divine

My Soul Her Song Shall Raise – Hymn Lyric

“My Soul Her Song Shall Raise” is a heartfelt hymn expressing the desire to praise the of Host. The lyrics emphasize the limitations of earthly power and the dependability of seeking guidance. The hymn also highlights the compassionate nature of the LORD, who cares for the oppressed and extends help to the weak and vulnerable. Overall, this hymn serves as a source of inspiration and comfort to those who seek a deeper connection with the divine.


My Soul Her Song Shall Raise – Hymn Lyric

My Soul her Song shall raise,
The LORD of Host to praise,
For whilst I my Breath enjoy,
This Tribute I will ,
And daily Praises ,
In triumphant Songs of Joy.

On Princes ne’er depend,
For they cannot defend,
Nor in Danger Help supply;
Depriv’d of Breath, they must
Return again to Dust,
And with them their Thoughts shall die.

How highly bless’d are they,
Who with Devotion pray,
Unto Jacob’s GOD for Aid;
He form’d the Heav’n and Earth,
And to the Sea gave Birth,
Nor forgets his Promise made.

When Men the Poor oppress,
He doth their Wrongs redress,
And the Hungry he doth feed;
Doth Pris’ners Chains unbind,
Give Sight unto the Blind,
Whilst they walk from Darkness freed.

The Weak and Fall’n he rears,
GOD for the cares,
And the Stranger doth defend;
The weeping Widow’s Cause
His tender Pity draws,
Helpless Babes on him depend.

GOD shall the Wicked slay,
In their unrighteous Way,
But o’er Sion he is King;
From Age to Age his Reign
Shall ever sure remain;
To the LORD loud Praises sing.


Meaning of My Soul Her Song Shall Raise

My Soul Her Song Shall Raise: A Tribute to the LORD of Host

In this hymn, the songwriter beautifully expresses their desire to praise the LORD of Host with their soul’s song. They understand that as long as they have breath in their body, it is their duty and joy to offer this tribute of praise. The lyrics remind us that earthly princes and human power cannot provide lasting protection or help in times of danger. They are mortal beings who eventually return to dust, taking their thoughts with them.

On the other , the songwriter emphasizes the blessings that come from seeking and praying to the LORD of Host, also known as Jacob’s GOD. The LORD is the creator of and earth and has the power to bring things into existence. The songwriter points out that the LORD never forgets the promises He has made. This reflects the faithful and dependable nature of the LORD.

Another aspect of the LORD’s character that the songwriter highlights is His concern for and action on behalf of the oppressed. When people mistreat the poor, the LORD steps in to address their wrongs. He provides food for the hungry, sets prisoners free, and gives sight to the blind. His compassion knows no bounds as he uplifts the weak and fallen, cares for the righteous, and defends the stranger. The LORD’s tender pity extends to even the weeping widow and helpless babies who depend on Him for their every need.

However, the hymn also reminds us that the LORD is a just and righteous King. He does not turn a blind eye to the wickedness of the . On the contrary, He will bring judgment upon the unrighteous and ultimately slay them in their unrighteous ways. In contrast, His reign over Zion, symbolizing His kingdom, is eternal and unshakable. From generation to generation, the LORD’s dominion remains , deserving of loud praises from all.

This hymn not only serves as a beautiful lyrical offering to the LORD of Host but also carries lessons that resonate with readers and listeners. On a literary level, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing the limits of earthly power and placing one’s trust in the divine. While human leaders and worldly structures may fail or crumble, the LORD’s reign endures and provides true security. This message encourages readers to seek a deeper connection with the divine and find solace in its eternal nature.

For those who find themselves facing hardship and injustice, the hymn brings comfort and reassurance. It reminds them that the LORD sees their struggles and actively works to bring justice and relief. They can turn to the LORD in prayer, knowing that their cries for help will not go unheard.

The hymn also conveys the importance of caring for the marginalized and vulnerable in society. It paints a powerful picture of the LORD’s compassion and concern for those in need. This message encourages readers to emulate the divine character by extending kindness and support to those who are oppressed or disadvantaged.

In conclusion, “My Soul Her Song Shall Raise” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the desire to praise and honor the LORD of Host. It reminds us of the limitations of earthly power, the dependability of the divine, and the compassionate nature of the LORD. With its meaningful message and lyrical beauty, this hymn serves as a source of inspiration for those seeking solace, justice, and a deeper connection with the divine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of praising the LORD in My Soul Her Song Shall Raise. Discover the power of the divine, protection from the wicked, and compassion for the oppressed.


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