My Soul Now Praise Thy Maker – Hymn Lyric
“My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the love and mercy bestowed upon us by our Creator. It calls us to reflect on the blessings we receive and encourages us to give thanks and praise for all that we have. Let us never forget to honor and worship our Maker, who is full of grace and compassion.
Table of Contents
My Soul Now Praise Thy Maker – Hymn Lyric
My soul, now praise thy Maker!
Let all within me bless His Name
Who maketh thee partaker
Of mercies more than thou dar’st claim.
Forget Him not Whose meekness
Still bears with all thy sin,
Who healeth all thy weakness,
Renews thy life within.
Whose grace and care are endless
And saved thee thro’ the past;
Who leaves no suff’rer friendless,
But rights the wronged at last.
He shows to man His treasure
Of judgment, truth, and righteousness,
His love beyond all measure,
His yearning pity o’er distress.
Nor treats us as we merit,
But lays His anger by.
The humble, contrite spirit
Finds His compassion nigh.
And high as Heav’n above us,
As break from close of day,
So far, since He doth love us,
He puts our sins away.
For as a tender father
Hath pity on his children here,
He in His arms will gather
All who are His in childlike fear.
He knows how frail our powers
Who but from dust are made;
We flourish like the flowers,
And even so we fade.
The wind but o’er them passes,
And all their bloom is o’er
We wither like the grasses,
Our place knows us no more.
God‘s grace alone endureth,
And children’s children yet shall prove
How He with strength assureth
The hearts of all that seek His love.
In Heav’n is fixed His dwelling,
His rule is over all;
Angels, in might excelling,
Bright hosts, before Him fall.
Praise Him Who ever reigneth,
All ye who hear His Word,
Nor our poor hymns disdaineth
My soul, O praise the Lord!
Meaning of My Soul Now Praise Thy Maker
My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker!
Oh, what a beautiful hymn to uplift and inspire! “My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker” reminds us of the amazing love and mercy that our Maker, our Creator, bestows upon us. It calls us to reflect on the blessings we receive and encourages us to praise and give thanks for all that we have.
The hymn starts by urging our souls to praise our Maker. It tells us to let all that is within us bless His name. We are reminded that our Maker makes us partakers of His abundant mercies, more than we could even dare to claim. Imagine that! We are given so much more than we deserve.
The hymn then encourages us not to forget our Maker’s meekness. He patiently bears with all our sins, always willing to forgive and heal our weaknesses. His grace and care are endless. It is through His grace that we have been saved in the past, and He promises to always be by our side. He will never leave a sufferer friendless, and He will ultimately make things right for the wronged.
Through the hymn, we are shown that our Maker is not just a God of mercy, but also a God of judgment, truth, and righteousness. His love for us is beyond measure, and His compassion for our distress is boundless. Despite our shortcomings, He does not treat us as we deserve. Instead, He sets aside His anger and extends His compassion to us. He longs for us to come to Him with a humble and contrite spirit, so that He can draw near to us and show us His endless love.
Just like a tender father has pity on his children, our Maker gathers us in His arms when we approach Him with childlike fear. He knows our frailties and weaknesses because He made us from dust. We are like flowers that flourish for a time, but eventually wither away. Our existence is fleeting, but our Maker’s love endures forever.
The hymn reminds us that even though we may fade away like the grasses, it is God’s grace alone that lasts. His strength sustains us and gives us hope not only for today but also for generations to come. His dwelling is in Heaven, and His rule extends over all. Even the angels, with all their might, bow down before Him. This is the God we praise and worship – the One who reigns supreme.
So, my soul, let us not hesitate to praise our Maker. Let us not hold back in giving thanks for all the goodness and blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us not be ashamed of our humble hymns, for they are a reflection of our love and gratitude for the Lord. He is worthy of all our praise and adoration.
In conclusion, let us remember the heartfelt words of this hymn as we go about our days. Let us never forget to praise our Maker, who is full of mercy, grace, and love. May we always seek His presence and strive to live lives that bring honor and glory to His name. My soul, now praise thy Maker!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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