Nearer To Jesus Tis Blessed – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of drawing nearer to Jesus and receiving his grace and blessings. Find comfort

Nearer To Jesus Tis Blessed – Hymn Lyric

Drawing to Jesus is a blessed and comforting thought that fills our hearts with joy. His grace and blessings are always for us, illuminating our souls and us . Let us embrace the privilege of being closer to Jesus and find true happiness and purpose in his presence. Praise and thanksgiving belong to Jesus, now and forevermore.


Nearer To Jesus Tis Blessed – Hymn Lyric

Nearer to Jesus! ’tis blessed to know,
That Jesus is waiting, his grace to bestow;
Chasing the darkness, dispelling the gloom,
His presence with glory our souls doth illume.

Nearer, nearer, nearer to Jesus,
Blessed , our joy and our song,
Nearer, nearer, nearer to Jesus,
Praise and thanksgiving to Jesus belong.

Nearer to Jesus! how precious the thought,
He died to redeem us, our pardon he bought;
Blessings unnumbered we daily receive,
No good he refuses to them that believe.


Nearer to Jesus! tho’ rugged the way,
His we’ll follow, his precepts ;
Trusting his promise no danger we fear,
No ill can betide us if Jesus is near.


Nearer to Jesus! it will not be long,
Till, met in his kingdom, we sing the new song;
Joining the blood-washed, who stand near the throne,
And giving the glory to Jesus alone.


Meaning of Nearer To Jesus Tis Blessed

Nearer to Jesus! Oh, what a comforting and joyful thought it is to know that Jesus is always waiting for us with open arms. He is ready to shower us with his grace and blessings. Just thinking about it brings warmth to our hearts and a smile to our faces.

When we draw nearer to Jesus, we are embracing a presence that chases away the darkness and dispels the gloom that may surround us. His light shines brightly, illuminating our souls and filling us with a sense of peace and joy. It is in this blessed communion with Jesus that we find our true happiness and purpose in life.

The hymn reminds us that Jesus died to redeem us, to buy our pardon. It is a reminder of the countless blessings that we receive from him each and every day. He never withholds any good thing from those who believe in him. Our cups overflow with his unfailing and grace.

As we strive to draw nearer to Jesus, we may encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. But fear not, for Jesus has provided us with his footsteps to follow and his precepts to obey. We can trust in his promises, knowing that he will guide and protect us through any dangers we may face. With Jesus by our side, nothing can harm us or separate us from his boundless love.

And though the journey may seem long and arduous at times, we can take comfort in the fact that it will not be long before we are united with Jesus in his heavenly kingdom. There, we will join the countless souls who have been washed in his precious blood. Together, we will sing a new song, one filled with gratitude, love, and praise for our . We will stand near the throne, giving all glory and honor to Jesus alone.

In conclusion, drawing nearer to Jesus is a privilege and a blessing beyond measure. It fills our lives with joy, hope, and purpose. Let us not delay in seeking his presence, for he is always waiting for us with open arms. Through his grace, we can navigate any challenges and find comfort in his promises. So, let us draw nearer to Jesus, for in him, we find our true happiness and everlasting salvation. Praise and thanksgiving belong to Jesus, now and forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy of drawing nearer to Jesus and receiving his grace and blessings. Find comfort, guidance, and everlasting salvation in his loving presence. Praise and thanksgiving belong to Jesus.


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