Not My Own But Saved By Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover your true purpose and identity in Christ with "Not My Own But Saved By Jesus." Find fulfillment by belonging to something greater than yourself. Surrender control and serve joyfully for His glory.

Not My Own But Saved By Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the “Not My Own But Saved By Jesus,” we are reminded that true fulfillment and purpose come from belonging to something greater than ourselves, specifically Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that our identity and worth do not lie in worldly achievements or possessions but in our relationship with Christ. By surrendering control, entrusting our lives to Him, and serving joyfully for His , we can find true freedom and purpose. Ultimately, those who belong to Christ will experience a future of eternal glory and union with Him.


Not My Own But Saved By Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Not my own, but saved by Jesus,
Who redeemed me by his blood;
Gladly I accept the message,
I belong to Christ the Lord.

Not my own, not my own,
Saviour, I belong to thee;
All I have and all I hope for,
Thine for all eternity.

Not my own; to Christ my Saviour,
I, believing, trust my ,
Everything to him committed,
While eternal ages roll.

Not my own; my time, my talents,
Freely all to Christ I bring,
To be used in joyful service
For the glory of my King.

Not my own; the Lord accepts me,
One among the ransomed throng
Who in Heaven shall see his glory,
And to Jesus Christ belong.


Meaning of Not My Own But Saved By Jesus

Not My Own But Saved By Jesus: Finding Identity and Purpose in Christ


In a constantly bombarding us with messages about being unique, standing out, and finding our own way, it’s easy to forget that true fulfillment and purpose come from belonging to something greater than ourselves. The hymn “Not My Own But Saved By Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of this idea. Through its verses, we are reminded that our lives are not meant to be lived for our own selfish desires and ambitions, but rather for the glory of Christ the Lord. In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning behind these profound words and explore how they can shape our identities and guide our actions.


1. Saved by Jesus: The Power of Redemption

The hymn begins by acknowledging that we are not our own, but rather saved by Jesus. It highlights the transformative power of Jesus’ blood, which redeemed us from sin and brought us into a right relationship with God. This realization is crucial for understanding our purpose and identity. We are not simply products of chance or societal constructs; we are creations of God, chosen and saved by His .

2. Belonging to Christ: Our True Identity

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the notion of belonging to Christ. As believers, we are not defined by worldly standards or achievements but by our relationship with Jesus. The world may try to tell us that our identity lies in material possessions, external appearances, or personal accomplishments, but true fulfillment can only be found in recognizing that we belong to Christ. Our worth is not based on what we possess or achieve, but on the immeasurable love and acceptance we receive through our relationship with Him.

3. Entrusting Our Lives to Christ: Surrendering Control

The hymn speaks of entrusting everything to Christ as we trust our souls, time, and talents to Him. This idea of surrendering control may initially seem daunting or even counterintuitive, especially in a culture that encourages self-reliance and independence. However, when we our trust in Christ and commit every aspect of our lives to Him, we discover true freedom and purpose. In surrendering to His plan, we are liberated from the pressures and anxieties of trying to navigate life’s challenges on our own.

4. Joyful Service and Glorifying God

The hymn reminds us that as followers of Christ, our time and talents are not meant to be hoarded or utilized solely for our own benefit. Rather, we are called to use them in joyful service for the glory of our King. This concept acknowledges the inherent joy and satisfaction that comes from selflessly serving others. When we embrace this mindset, our priorities shift from self-centered desires to seeking opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

5. Belonging to the Ransomed Throng: A Future With Christ

In the final verse, the hymn describes the ultimate destination for those who belong to Christ. It paints a picture of a glorious eternity where we will see the fullness of His glory and be united with Him. This hopeful vision serves as a reminder that our lives on are part of a much greater story. Whatever struggles or hardships we may face, we can find comfort and strength in knowing that we are part of a redeemed community headed towards an everlasting union with our Savior.


In a world that constantly tells us to prioritize our own happiness and individuality, the hymn “Not My Own But Saved By Jesus” offers a counter-cultural message. It reminds us that true fulfillment and purpose come from belonging to Christ and living our lives in joyful service for His glory. By surrendering control, entrusting our lives to Him, and understanding our identity as beloved members of His redeemed community, we can experience the truest form of freedom and find our ultimate purpose. May these profound words to resonate in our hearts and guide our actions as we navigate this journey called life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover your true purpose and identity in Christ with Not My Own But Saved By Jesus. Find fulfillment by belonging to something greater than yourself. Surrender control and serve joyfully for His glory.


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