Now Is Jesus Now Is Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of Jesus' Resurrection. Discover the love

Now Is Jesus Now Is Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Now Is Jesus: Experiencing the Power of His Resurrection” invites us to reflect on the incredible love and power of Jesus Christ. Through His resurrection, Jesus offers us a new life free from . This hymn reminds us to embrace His love, to be transformed by His sacrifice, and to live in the freedom He provides.


Now Is Jesus Now Is Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Now is Jesus, now is Jesus,
Risen from the Dead;
Love, to seize us, Love, to seize us,
In the , our Head:

Caught us sinking under Sin,
Took our Curse and Nature in,
To its Off’ring, that by suff’ring,
It might make us clean.

God in Fashion, God in Fashion,
Like to fallen Man;
By his Passion, by his Passion,
Finished the Plan;

Which eternal Mercy laid,
Which eternal Love decreed,
That the Bride, thus purified,
Should from all Sin be Freed.

Thus our Maker, thus our Maker,
Our Creator, God,
Was Partaker, was Partaker,
Of our and :

He became our Nature’s Pride,
And, as all our Sin, he dy’d;
As our old Man, as our old Man,
He was crucify’d.

Then he finish’d, then he finish’d,
All our deep Distress;
Then replenish’d, then replenish’d,
Man with Righteousness:

In his Body Sin lay dead,
With each Sorrow which it bred,
Accusation, Condemnation,
Spread their Wings and fled.

Old Things now are, old Things now are,
Passed all away;
That his Power, that his Power,
He might thus display:

In a new Creation pure,
From all Sin and Spoil secure,
This erected, stands perfected,
On Foundation Sure.

See it , see it rising,
Glorious to our View;
Most surprising, most surprising,
All Things here are new:

As rose Jesus from the Grave,
Such the Purity we have;
Sin is dead, and Care is fled,
The son’s no more a Slave.


Meaning of Now Is Jesus Now Is Jesus

Now Is Jesus: Experiencing the Power of His Resurrection

In the beautiful hymn “Now Is Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Through His resurrection, Jesus has brought us hope, redemption, and the opportunity for a new life free from the burden of sin. Let us dive deeper into the meaning behind this hymn and explore how it can inspire and transform our lives.

The hymn begins with the proclamation, “Now is Jesus, now is Jesus, Risen from the Dead.” These words remind us that Jesus conquered death and rose again, signifying His over sin and offering us eternal life. It is an invitation to embrace the resurrected Jesus, who is always present, to offer us His love and grace.

“Love, to seize us, Love, to seize us, In the Lamb, our Head.” This line reminds us that God’s love is relentless and unwavering. Like a shepherd who carefully gathers and protects the sheep, Jesus seizes us with His love, drawing us close to Him. He is the Lamb, our Head, guiding and leading us in the right path.

The hymn continues by expressing the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice. “Caught us sinking under Sin, Took our Curse and Nature in, To its Off’ring, that by suff’ring, It might make us clean.” These clearly indicate that Jesus took upon Himself our and the consequences of our fallen nature. Through His suffering and death on the cross, He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, providing the means for our forgiveness and cleansing.

“God in Fashion, God in Fashion, Like to fallen Man; By his Passion, by his Passion, Finished the Plan.” Here, we are reminded of the profound mystery of the Incarnation. Jesus, fully God and fully man, humbled Himself to identify with our human experience. By His passion and obedience to the Father’s plan, Jesus completed the work of salvation, fulfilling the ancient prophecies and bringing redemption to all who believe in Him.

The hymn highlights how Jesus’ sacrifice has set us free from the bondage of sin. “That the Bride, thus purified, Should from all Sin be Freed.” The imagery of the bride refers to the church, the collective body of believers, who are made pure and righteous through the cleansing power of Jesus’ sacrifice. We are no longer held captive by sin but are set free to live according to God’s purpose and design.

The hymn emphasizes that Jesus not only took on our sins but also our humanity. “Thus our Maker, thus our Maker, Our Creator, God, Was Partaker, was Partaker, Of our Flesh and Blood.” Jesus willingly shared in our human experience, experiencing joy, sorrow, and everything in between. He became the perfect mediator between God and humanity, bridging the gap caused by sin.

“He became our Nature’s Pride, And, as all our Sin, he dy’d; As our old Man, as our old Man, He was crucify’d.” These lines vividly portray the exchange that took place on the cross. Jesus took on our sinful nature, dying in our place, and in return, we are made new in Him. Our old selves, burdened by sin, are crucified with Him, allowing us to be reborn in His righteousness.

The hymn celebrates the completion of Jesus’ work on the cross. “Then he finished, then he finished, All our deep Distress; Then replenish’d, then replenish’d, Man with Righteousness.” Through His death and resurrection, Jesus triumphantly conquered sin and sorrow, offering us the gift of righteousness. He has restored what was broken and filled our hearts with His presence.

“In his Body Sin lay dead, With each Sorrow which it bred, Accusation, Condemnation, Spread their Wings and fled.” These lines beautifully express the victory we have in Christ. Sin and its consequences have been defeated through His death and resurrection. The accusations and condemnation that once haunted us are replaced with forgiveness and freedom.

The hymn paints a vivid picture of the new life we have in Christ. “Old Things now are, old Things now are, Passed all away; That his Power, that his Power, He might thus display.” When we surrender our lives to Jesus, He brings about a radical transformation. The old ways, the old chains of sin and despair, are left behind as His power is displayed in us.

“In a new Creation pure, From all Sin and Spoil secure, This erected, stands perfected, On Foundation Sure.” We are reminded that, as believers, we are part of a new creation in Christ. Through His resurrection, we are made pure and secure, standing on the firm foundation of His love and grace. Our lives are built upon the truth of God’s Word and the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

The hymn concludes with the triumphant declaration, “Sin is dead, and Care is fled, The son’s no more a Slave.” The resurrection of Jesus has defeated sin, and with it, the worries and cares that weighed us down. We are no longer slaves to sin but are set free to embrace the abundant life that Christ offers.

In conclusion, “Now Is Jesus” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the significance of Jesus’ resurrection. Through His death and resurrection, we are loved, forgiven, and transformed. As we truly grasp the message of this hymn, may it inspire us to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus, to embrace the power of His resurrection, and to live as His redeemed and joyful .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of Jesus' Resurrection. Discover the love, hope, and transformation He offers in the hymn Now Is Jesus. Embrace His victory over sin and start a new life with Him.


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