Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising – Hymn Lyric

Explore the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ in the hymn "Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising." Reflect on His enduring pain

Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising – Hymn Lyric

“Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising: Exploring the Sacrifice and Love of Jesus Christ” In the hymn “Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising,” the writer invites us to reflect upon the incredible sacrifice and enduring love of Jesus Christ. Through heartfelt and mournful strains, we are encouraged to delve into the depths of Jesus’ crucifixion, His grief, wounds, and dying pain, all offered freely out of His love for like you and me. The hymn serves as a reminder of the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, inspiring us to live lives marked by gratitude, , and the to share His love with others.


Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising – Hymn Lyric

Now my soul,
thy voice upraising,
Tell in sweet and mournful strain
How the Crucified, enduring
Grief and wounds, and dying pain,
Freely of his love was offered,
Sinless was for sinners slain.

See, his hands and feet are fastened!
So he makes his people free;
Not a wound whence Blood is flowing
But a fount of grace shall be;
Yea, the very nails which nail him
Nail us also to the Tree.

, may those precious fountains
Drink to thirsting souls afford;
Let them be our cup and healing,
And at length our great reward:
So a ransomed shall ever
Praise thee, its redeeming Lord.


Meaning of Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising

Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising: Exploring the Sacrifice and Love of Jesus Christ

In the hymn “Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising,” the writer invites us to reflect upon the incredible sacrifice and enduring love of Jesus Christ. Through heartfelt and mournful strains, we are encouraged to delve into the depths of Jesus’ crucifixion, His grief, wounds, and dying pain, all offered freely out of His love for sinners like you and me.

The hymn begins by depicting the image of Jesus, His hands and feet fastened to the cross. What a profound and powerful visual! This depiction serves as a reminder of how Jesus willingly endured the agony of crucifixion to make His people free. Each wound, every drop of Blood that flows, becomes not only a symbol of suffering but also a fount of grace.

Let us ponder upon the significance of the nails that pierced Jesus’ hands and feet. While physically nail-bound, these nails also have a deeper symbolic meaning. They become a metaphorical representation of our own sins, for it is through our transgressions that Jesus was nailed to the tree. In this beautifully poetic language, we are reminded that as Jesus is nailed to the cross, we too are nailed to our own sins, in need of and forgiveness.

But despite the pain, suffering, and sin that are encompassed within this imagery, the hymn also highlights the and healing that Jesus’ sacrifice brings. The writer directs us to view Jesus’ wounds as fountains of grace, offering us a metaphorical cup that can quench our thirsting souls. It is through these wounds, these fountains of grace, that we find healing for our brokenness and restoration for our weary hearts.

How incredible it is to consider that the very wounds that inflicted Jesus have the power to bring us and redemption! These wounds become a source of miraculous healing, reminding us of the unwavering love that Jesus displayed for us on the cross. They point us towards the immense sacrifice Jesus made for the world, a sacrifice that deserves our eternal praise and gratitude.

Jesu, the hymn implores, may these precious fountains of grace drink to our thirsting souls. Let them not only heal us but also serve as our great reward. Through the selfless act of being nailed to the cross, Jesus offers us the ultimate gift: eternal life and a restored relationship with . This gift is not merely offered to a select few but to all who believe and accept Jesus’ sacrifice.

As we reflect upon the sacrifice and love of Jesus Christ, let us remember that His sacrifice extends far beyond His physical crucifixion. Jesus’ willingness to endure such immense pain, grief, and wounds was an act of love that demonstrated His deep desire to reconcile us to Himself. By accepting His sacrifice, we find from sin and the opportunity to live in relationship with our redeeming Lord.

In conclusion, “Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising” is a hymn that invites us to meditate on the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt words, we are reminded of the wounds and pain Jesus endured out of His love for sinners like you and me. We are also encouraged to view these wounds as fountains of grace, offering us healing, redemption, and the hope of eternal life.

May this hymn serve as a reminder of the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, inspiring us to live lives marked by gratitude, praise, and the desire to share His love with others. Let us never forget the depths of His love, for it is this love that has the power to transform us and bring us into a restored and eternal relationship with Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ in the hymn Now My Soul Thy Voice Upraising. Reflect on His enduring pain, wounds, and love that offer redemption and healing to sinners.


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