O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover hope and love in the manger with "O Blessed Jesus." Find comfort in Jesus Christ's sacrifice and His willingness to meet us where we are. Experience the joy and contentment in our relationship with our Blessed Jesus.

O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“O Blessed Jesus” is a hymn that reminds us of the love and Jesus made for humanity. It speaks of His birth in a manger, emphasizing the significance of this place where He became relatable to us. The hymn offers hope and comfort, reminding us that Jesus meets us where we are, offering His love and grace freely.


O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

O blessed Jesus! This lowly manger is
The paradise where oft my soul would feed:
Here is the place, my Lord, where lies th’eternal Word
Clothed with our flesh, made like to us indeed.

For He Whose mighty sway the winds and seas ,
Submits to serve, and stoops to those who sin;
The glorious Son of God doth bear the mortal load
Of and dust, like us and all our kin.

For thus, O God supreme, wilt Thou our flesh redeem,
And rise it to Thy o’er every height:
Eternal Strength, here Thou to brotherhood dost bow
With transient things that pass like mists of night.

Thy glory and Thy joy all woe and grief destroy;
Thou, heavenly Treasure, dost all wealth restore!
Thou deep and living Well! Thou great Immanuel
Dost conquer sin and death for !

Then come, whoe’er thou art, O poor desponding heart,
Take courage now, let this thy fears dispel,
That since His Son most dear thy God hath giv’n thee here,
It cannot be but God doth love thee well.

How often dost thou think thou thou must surely sink,
That hope and comfort are no more for thee;
Come hither then and gaze upon this Infant’s face,
And here the love of God incarnate see.

Ah now the blessed stands open evermore
To all the joys of this world and the next:
This Babe will be our Friend, and quickly make an end
Of all that faithful hearts long time hath vexed.

Then, earth, we care no more to seek thy richest store,
If but this treasure will be still our own;
And he who holds it fast, till all this life is past,
Our Lord will crown with joy before His throne.


Meaning of O Blessed Jesus

O Blessed Jesus: Finding Hope in the Manger

In the hymn “O Blessed Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made for humanity. It speaks of His humble birth in a lowly manger, where He took on our flesh and became like us. This beautiful hymn takes us on a journey of understanding and finding hope in the presence of Jesus.

The first verse of the hymn transports us to the manger, which is referred to as a paradise where our souls can find nourishment. It emphasizes the significance of this humble place, where the eternal Word, Jesus Christ, became clothed in our flesh, making Him relatable and approachable. It marvels at the fact that the mighty Son of God would submit Himself to serve and stoop to the level of sinful human beings.

Here, we find an essential message – no matter who we are or what mistakes we have made, Jesus is willing to meet us where we are. He does not demand perfection from us but offers His love and grace freely. This message is especially comforting for those who may feel burdened by their past mistakes or overwhelmed by their own weaknesses. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that Jesus understands and empathizes with our human condition.

The second verse builds upon the idea of Jesus, the Son of God, taking on the mortal load of “earth and dust” like us and all our kin. It highlights the redemptive power of God triumphing over sin and death. Through His incarnation, Jesus offers us the hope of eternal life, where our mortal bodies will be transformed and raised to new heights.

This verse teaches us that God’s plan of redemption involves Him intimately connecting with our human experience. It illustrates God’s willingness to meet us in our brokenness and bring us into His glorious presence. It reminds us that our weaknesses and limitations do not disqualify us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and grace. Instead, they become opportunities for God’s strength to be made perfect in our weaknesses.

The third verse encourages all despondent hearts to take courage and dispel their fears, for God has given us His Son. It reassures us that God’s love is not reserved for the or the perfect but is extended to all who believe in Him. This verse speaks directly to those who may be burdened by feelings of unworthiness, loneliness, or fear. It reminds us that God’s love for us is unchanging and unconditional.

When we are feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of life, we are invited to gaze upon the face of the Infant Jesus. In doing so, we see the love of God incarnate. This imagery invites us to reflect on the incredible love that God has for us, as demonstrated through the birth of Jesus. It is through this love that we find comfort, hope, and the strength to continue in our journey of faith.

In the final verse, the hymn encourages us to no longer seek earthly riches or treasures but instead hold fast to the treasure of Jesus Christ. It acknowledges that earthly possessions are fleeting and temporary, but the treasure of Christ is eternal. When we cling to Jesus, He becomes our faithful companion, guiding us through life’s trials and uncertainties.

This verse reminds us to shift our focus away from the things of this world and fix our eyes on Jesus, who promised to be with us always. It encourages us to find contentment, not in material wealth, but in the richness of our relationship with Him. It assures us that as we remain faithful to Christ until the end, He will reward us with everlasting joy in His presence.

“O Blessed Jesus” is a hymn overflowing with hope, love, and reassurance. It encourages us to find solace in the manger, where the love of God became incarnate. It reminds us that Jesus Christ is a friend to the brokenhearted, a savior to the lost, and a comforter to those who are weary. In our journey of faith, this hymn encourages us to fix our gaze on Jesus, the source of all hope, and find joy and contentment in our relationship with Him.

As we reflect upon these profound words, may we be reminded of the incredible love that God has for us, and may it inspire us to share that love with others as we continue to walk in the footsteps of our Blessed Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover hope and love in the manger with O Blessed Jesus. Find comfort in Jesus Christ's sacrifice and His willingness to meet us where we are. Experience the joy and contentment in our relationship with our Blessed Jesus.


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