O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound messages of gratitude and worship in the hymn "O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker." Join in unity with heavenly beings and experience the boundless love of our Creator.

O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker – Hymn Lyric



O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker – Hymn Lyric

O come, my soul,
bless thou the thy Maker,
and all within me,
bless his holy name;

bless thou the Lord,
forget not all his ,
his pard’ning
and saving love .

Bless him, ye ,
wondrous in might,
bless him, his servants,
who in his will delight.

Good is the Lord
and full of kind ,
most slow to anger,
plenteous in love;

rich is his grace
to all who humbly seek him,
and endless
as the heav’ns above. [Refrain]

His love is like a father’s
to his ,
tender and kind
to all who fear his name;

for well he knows
our weakness and our frailty,
he knows that we are dust,
he knows our frame. [Refrain]

We fade and die
like ‘rs that grow in beauty,
like tender grass
that soon will disappear;

but evermore
the love of God is changeless,
still shown to those
who look to him in fear. [Refrain]

High in the heav’ns
his throne is fixed forever,
his kingdom rules
o’er all from pole to pole;

bless ye the Lord
through all his wide dominion,
bless his most holy name,
O thou my soul. [Refrain]    

Meaning of O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker

O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker: A Hymn of Gratitude and Worship

In times of joy and times of sorrow, it is important to remember to give thanks and praise to the One who created us. The hymn “O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker” beautifully captures the essence of gratitude and worship towards our Almighty Creator. Let us delve into the verses of this hymn and explore the profound messages it conveys.

The first verse begins with a powerful call to the soul, urging it to bless the Lord, our Maker. It teaches us that worship is not limited to external actions but comes from within ourselves. We are encouraged to bless the Lord with all that is within us, to acknowledge His holiness and to proclaim His grace and love. In a world filled with distractions and worries, it is important to pause and recognize the mercies that God has bestowed upon us.

The refrain reminds us that even the angels, who are wondrous in might, join together in the Lord. This paints a beautiful picture of unity and harmony between the heavenly beings and us, God’s servants on earth. It reminds us that we are not alone in our worship, but are part of a grand chorus of praise.

Moving on to the second verse, we are reminded of the Lord’s goodness and compassion. It describes Him as being slow to anger and plenteous in love. How comforting it is to know that our Creator is patient with us, always ready to extend His grace and forgiveness. His love knows no bounds, and it is available to all who humbly seek Him. What a wonderful reassurance this brings to our hearts.

The third verse compares God’s love to that of a father for his children. It highlights His tenderness and kindness towards those who fear His name. This verse acknowledges our weakness and frailty as humans, acknowledging that God understands our limitations. He knows that we are made of dust, that we are fragile beings. Yet, despite our shortcomings, He extends His love and compassion towards us.

The fourth verse reminds us of life’s transient nature. Like flowers and grass that wither away, our lives on earth are temporary. However, the love of God remains constant and unchanging. It is a powerful message that encourages us to place our trust in the everlasting love of our Creator. In a world that constantly changes, He is our rock and our stability.

The final verse brings our attention to the majesty and sovereignty of God. His throne is high in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all. It encourages us to bless the Lord throughout His dominion, acknowledging His authority and power. We are called to worship and give thanks, not only in our personal lives but also on a grander scale.

In conclusion, “O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker” is a hymn that encompasses gratitude, worship, and the acknowledgment of God’s love and sovereignty. Through its verses, it reminds us to give thanks for His mercies, proclaim His grace, and seek His forgiveness. It invites us to join in unity with the heavenly beings and worship our Creator together. Let us carry the message of this hymn in our hearts and remember to bless the Lord not only with our words but also through a life of gratitude and obedience.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound messages of gratitude and worship in the hymn O Come My Soul Bless Thou The Lord Thy Maker. Join in unity with heavenly beings and experience the boundless love of our Creator.


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