O God, Whose Love Is Over All – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of God's love that surpasses all boundaries. From nature's wonders to the unity found in faith

O God, Whose Love Is Over All – Hymn Lyric

TITLE: O God, Whose Love Is Over All CONTENT: O God, Whose love is over all, how magnificent and awe-inspiring is Your creation! Your rich and tender blessings fall upon every age and place, showering us with Your . As we gather here today, we raise our songs and prayers in eager , seeking to and honor You. Teach us, O Lord, to see You in all things, to recognize Your presence in every aspect of our lives.


O God, Whose Love Is Over All – Hymn Lyric

O God, Whose love is over all,
The of Thy grace,
Whose rich and tender blessings fall,
On every age and place.

Thou the songs and prayers we raise,
In eager joy to Thee,
And teach us, as we sound Thy praise,
In all things Thee to see.

To see Thee in the sun by day,
And in the stars by night,
In waving grass and ocean spray,
And leaves and flowers .

To hear Thy voice, like spoken word,
In every breeze that blows,
In every song of every bird,
And every brook that flows.

To see Thee in each quiet home,
Where faith and love abide,
In school and church, where all may ,
To seek Thee side by side.

To see Thee in each human life,
Each struggling human heart,
Each path by which, in eager strife,
Men seek the better part.


Meaning of O God, Whose Love Is Over All

O God, Whose Love Is Over All: A Reflection on the Beauty of Your Creation

O God, Whose love is over all, how magnificent and awe-inspiring is Your creation! Your rich and tender blessings fall upon every age and place, showering us with Your grace. As we gather here today, we raise our songs and prayers in eager joy, seeking to praise and honor You. Teach us, O Lord, to see You in all things, to recognize Your presence in every aspect of our lives.

First and foremost, we are reminded to see You in the wonders of nature. You reveal Yourself in the sun that shines during the day, warming our faces and giving light to the world. We see You in the stars that twinkle in the night sky, reminding us of the vastness of Your power and the infinite beauty that surrounds us. In the waving grass and ocean spray, in the vibrant colors of leaves and flowers, Your artistry is evident. Help us to appreciate and cherish the beauty You have bestowed upon us.

Not only do Your creations display Your glory, but we also hear Your voice in every gentle breeze that whispers through the trees. We listen attentively to Your message in each song of every bird that sweetly sings, and in every babbling brook that our souls. Teach us, O God, to be attentive to the subtle ways in which You communicate with us. Help us to silence our thoughts and embrace the tranquility that can be found in the symphony of Your creation.

But it is not only in nature that we find You, O Lord. Your presence is also evident in the places where faith and love abide. In the quiet homes where families gather to worship and seek solace in Your embrace, we witness Your love and grace in action. In schools and churches, where people of all backgrounds and beliefs come together to learn and grow, we find a sacred space where we can connect with You and with one another. Those places, O God, are a testament to Your unifying power.

Moreover, help us recognize Your presence in each human life, in every struggling human heart. You are with us in our triumphs and our trials, in our joys and our sorrows. Every path we embark on, every choice we make, You are there beside us, guiding and leading us towards the better part. We see You working in the hearts of those who seek to do good, who strive to make a positive impact in this world. In them, we glimpse Your love and compassion.

As we continue to sing Your praise, O God, may our eyes be opened to the countless ways in which You reveal Yourself to us. Let us never take for granted the beauty of Your creation, but instead actively seek out the signs of Your presence. Help us to see You in the everyday moments, in the simple acts of kindness shown by others, and in the love that surrounds us. For You are truly a God, Whose love is over all.

In conclusion, O God, Whose love is over all, we are humbled by Your immense and love. Your blessings extend to every corner of the earth, reaching people of all ages and backgrounds. We are grateful for the ways in which You make Yourself known to us, whether through the beauty of nature, the voices of those around us, or the love that binds us together. As we continue to walk this journey of life, may our hearts be open to seeing You in all things. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of God's love that surpasses all boundaries. From nature's wonders to the unity found in faith, experience the presence of the divine in every aspect of life. See God in everything.


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