O Jesus Let Me Hear Thy Voice – Hymn Lyric

Discover hope and peace in the midst of life's storms by listening to Jesus' voice. Find comfort

O Jesus Let Me Hear Thy Voice – Hymn Lyric

“O , Let Me Hear Thy Voice: Finding and Peace in the Midst of Life’s Storms” is a that beautifully captures the longing for divine guidance and comfort in times of trouble. It reminds us that Jesus is always near, ready to offer His support and bring peace to our lives. By tuning our ears to His voice, we can find solace, guidance, and the strength to persevere through life’s challenges.


O Jesus Let Me Hear Thy Voice – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, let me hear Thy voice,
No music sweeter to my ear;
It tells my drooping heart to hope,
For Thou art near.

Speak when the tempest fiercely blows,
Bid Thou its angry raging cease;
For where Thy voice is heard, there reigns
Eternal peace.

Speak when the in dusky folds
Hide from mine eyes the noontide sun;
For when Thy voice proclaims Thy will,
Thy will is done.

O Jesus, let Thy voice be heard
In stilly eve and buoyant ;
And let the peace it brings, each day
My life adorn.


Meaning of O Jesus Let Me Hear Thy Voice

O Jesus, Let Me Hear Thy Voice: Finding Hope and Peace in the Midst of Life’s Storms

In our journey through life, we often face challenges and obstacles that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and defeated. It is during these times that we long to hear a voice of reassurance, a voice that brings solace and comfort to our troubled hearts. The hymn “O Jesus, Let Me Hear Thy Voice” beautifully captures this longing for divine guidance and the hope that comes from knowing that Jesus is near.

The first verse of the hymn expresses the desire to hear Jesus’ voice, likening it to music that is sweeter than any other sound. Just as music has the power to uplift our spirits and bring joy to our , hearing the voice of Jesus fills us with hope. It reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we are not alone. Jesus is always near, ready to offer His guidance and support.

The second verse paints a vivid picture of a tempest fiercely blowing and raging. This storm may represent the challenges and trials we face in life – be it personal struggles, difficult relationships, or even global crises. In the midst of such chaos, the hymn implores Jesus to speak and command the storm to cease. It acknowledges His power to bring peace and stillness to even the most turbulent situations. Just as Jesus calmed the stormy seas in the , His voice has the power to bring calm and tranquility to our lives.

The third verse continues to explore the theme of finding peace in times of darkness and uncertainty. It speaks of clouds hiding the sun, symbolizing the moments when joy seems elusive and life feels gloomy. However, the hymn reminds us that even in the midst of these clouds, Jesus’ voice can penetrate through and reveal His will. It reassures us that His plans for our lives are greater than we can imagine, and when His voice proclaims His will, it will surely be done.

The final verse of the hymn emphasizes the importance of seeking Jesus’ voice not only in times of desperation and turmoil but also in moments of tranquility and joy. It encourages us to listen for His voice in the stillness of the evening and the vibrancy of the morning. By inviting Jesus to speak into every aspect of our lives, we can experience a daily adornment of peace and fulfillment.

In our search for hope and peace, we often turn to various sources – friends, family, self-help books, or even our own willpower. While these can provide temporary comfort, true solace can only be found in the voice of Jesus. His voice is unlike any other, for it carries with it the wisdom of eternity and the of a . When we open our hearts and tune our ears to hear His voice, we tap into an unending well of hope, strength, and guidance.

Now, let us consider how this hymn resonates with us on a personal level. Have there been times in your life when you have longed to hear Jesus’ voice amidst the chaos and uncertainty? Perhaps you have faced a difficult decision, a loss, or an overwhelming situation where you yearned for His guidance. Take a moment to reflect on those moments and how Jesus eventually made His voice known to you. It could have been through a timely Bible verse, a word of encouragement from a friend, or simply a gentle whisper in your heart.

As we journey through life, may we never cease to seek Jesus’ voice. Let us remember that His voice is not distant or unreachable but rather a constant presence, always ready to speak words of comfort, hope, and peace. Just as the hymn suggests, by allowing Jesus’ voice to be heard in every aspect of our lives – in the midst of storms and in the stillness of everyday moments – we will experience a divine adornment that transforms and uplifts us.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Jesus, Let Me Hear Thy Voice” serves as a powerful reminder of the hope and peace that can be found in listening to Jesus’ voice. It encourages us to turn to Him in times of trouble, trust His plan even in the midst of uncertainty, and seek His voice in every moment of our lives. May we always be attuned to His voice, for it is through His voice that we find solace, guidance, and the strength to persevere.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover hope and peace in the midst of life's storms by listening to Jesus' voice. Find comfort, guidance, and strength through the hymn O Jesus, Let Me Hear Thy Voice. Seek His voice in all aspects of your life for solace and fulfillment.


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