O Jesus My Hope – Hymn Lyric

Discover the redemption and grace found in the sacrifice of Jesus in the hymn "O Jesus My Hope." Reflect on His love

O Jesus My Hope – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus My Hope: Finding Redemption and Grace in the Sacrifice of Christ In this hymn, titled “O Jesus My Hope,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. It speaks of His blood being shed and pleading for us, declaring that He died in the place of His murderers. These powerful words invite us to reflect on the immense love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.


O Jesus My Hope – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus my hope, for me offered up,
Who with clamor pursued Thee to Calvary’s top,
The blood Thou hast shed, for me let it plead,
And declare Thou hast died in Thy murderer’s stead.

then from above, its hardness remove,
And vanquish my heart with the sense of Thy love;
Thy love on the tree display unto me.
And the servant of sin in a moment is free.

Neither passion nor pride Thy cross can abide,
But melt in the fountain that streams from Thy side;
Let Thy life-giving blood remove all my load,
And purge my foul conscience, and me to God.

Now, now let me know its below,
Let it wash me, and I shall be than ;
Let it hallow my heart, and thoroughly convert,
And make me, O , in the world as Thou art.

Each moment applied my weakness to hide,
Thy blood be upon me, and always abide,
My Advocate prove with the Father above,
And speak me at last to the throne of Thy love.


Meaning of O Jesus My Hope

O Jesus My Hope: Finding Redemption and Grace in the Sacrifice of Christ

In this hymn, titled “O Jesus My Hope,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. It speaks of His blood being shed and pleading for us, declaring that He died in the place of His murderers. These powerful words invite us to reflect on the immense love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.

As we sing these verses, we are called to come before Jesus with our burdens and sins, knowing that His love and sacrifice have the power to transform our lives. It is through His death that we find hope and redemption, as His blood can remove the and weight of our sins, cleansing our consciences and bringing us closer to God.

The hymn begins by acknowledging Jesus as our hope, recognizing that He willingly offered Himself up on the cross for our sake. The vivid imagery of the pursuit and crucifixion emphasizes the intensity of Jesus’ sacrifice. Despite the clamor and hostility He faced, Jesus chose to endure it all, demonstrating His unwavering love for humanity.

In this first verse alone, we are presented with a profound message of forgiveness and . Jesus’ shed blood is described as pleading on our behalf, declaring that He died in the place of His murderers. This powerful image reminds us that Jesus bore the weight of our sins, taking our punishment upon Himself so that we could be reconciled with God.

The hymn then turns our attention to the transformative power of Jesus’ love. It calls for Jesus to come from above and remove the hardness in our hearts, replacing it with a deep sense of His love and grace. This request reveals our longing to experience the fullness of Jesus’ love and to be completely changed by it.

The second verse presents us with an image of Jesus’ cross as a fountain, from which flows a life-giving stream. It tells us that neither passion nor pride can withstand the power of this divine stream. All our selfish desires and sinful tendencies are dissolved and washed away in the cleansing flow of Jesus’ blood.

It is through this purifying blood that our burdens are lifted and our consciences are cleansed. The hymn expresses the desire for Jesus’ blood to remove all our guilt and shame, allowing us to stand before God with a purified heart. We long for our hearts to be thoroughly converted, so that we might reflect the love and character of Christ in our lives.

The third verse continues this theme of purification and transformation. We are invited to experience the virtues of Jesus’ blood here on earth, allowing it to wash away our sins and make us whiter than snow. The hymn speaks of the blood “hallowing” our hearts, sanctifying us and shaping us to be more like Christ.

This verse beautifully captures the ongoing process of sanctification that believers go through as they walk with Jesus. It demonstrates our desire to be fully changed by His love, desiring to live as vessels of His grace and compassion in the world.

In the final verse, we acknowledge our continuous for Jesus’ blood in our lives. We recognize our weakness and dependence on His ongoing presence and advocacy. We long for Jesus to stand as our advocate before the Father, interceding on our behalf and speaking to the throne of His love.

This hymn is a beautiful expression of our dependence on Jesus and the transformative power of His sacrifice. It reminds us that our hope lies solely in Him, and that through His blood, we can find redemption, forgiveness, and a restored relationship with God.

As we sing “O Jesus My Hope,” let these words sink deep into our hearts and minds. Let us be reminded of the immense love that Jesus has for us, and may it inspire us to live lives that reflect His grace, mercy, and forgiveness. May we always find our hope in Him, and may His sacrifice continue to transform us into His likeness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the redemption and grace found in the sacrifice of Jesus in the hymn O Jesus My Hope. Reflect on His love, forgiveness, and transformative power as His blood washes away our sins and brings us closer to God. Find hope and renewed faith in Jesus' unwavering sacrifice.


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