O Jesus Our Chief Corner Stone – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound significance of Jesus as our Chief Corner Stone and the foundation of our faith. Explore the hymn that reveals His deity

O Jesus Our Chief Corner Stone – Hymn Lyric

“O Jesus, Our Chief Corner Stone: A Solid Foundation for Our ” is a hymn that celebrates the importance of Jesus as the cornerstone of our spiritual lives. Without Him, our faith would crumble, but with Him, we find stability and strength. As we build our lives upon Jesus, we discover meaning, purpose, and a deep connection with God.


O Jesus Our Chief Corner Stone – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, our chief Corner-Stone,
On we rest, on Thee alone!
The Rock of Ages, thou; and we,
As living stones, are built on Thee.

In the beginning, Thou was God;
The heav’ns, by Thee, were spread abroad;
By Thee, was ‘s foundation laid;
Thy pow’r upholds whate’er was made.

We bless Thee, O Immanuel!
Who dost in our own likeness dwell;
Thy human nature, temple true,
Wherein the Father’s face we view.

On hearts in faith confessing thee,
The Christ, the son of God, to be,
The living , Thou dost maintain,
And gates of death resist in vain.

O Lord, accept our off’ring free,
And may this house be rear’d for Thee;
On Thee we build, on Thee alone,
O Jesus, Thou our Corner-Stone.


Meaning of O Jesus Our Chief Corner Stone

O Jesus, Our Chief Corner Stone: A Solid Foundation for Our Faith

In this hymn, we find a beautiful depiction of Jesus as our chief Corner Stone, the solid foundation upon which our entire faith rests. Just as a corner stone is crucial for the stability and strength of a building, so is Jesus essential to our spiritual well-being. Let’s dive deeper into the meanings behind the lyrics and explore the significance of Jesus as our Corner Stone.

The hymn begins with the powerful affirmation, “O Jesus, our chief Corner-Stone, on Thee we rest, on Thee alone!” These words remind us that Jesus is not just another stone in the spiritual edifice; rather, He is the cornerstone. Just as a cornerstone is laid first in the construction of a building, Jesus is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Without Him, our faith would crumble like a house without a foundation.

“The Rock of Ages, thou; and we, as living stones, are built on Thee.” These lines highlight the enduring nature of Jesus. He is the Rock of Ages, unshakable and unchanging throughout time. As believers, we are like living stones that are built upon Him. It means that our lives and our faith find their purpose and stability in Jesus. Just as a stone is carefully placed in a structure, we are carefully placed within the family of God, connected to one another by our shared faith in Christ.

In the beginning, Thou was God;

The heav’ns, by Thee, were spread abroad;

By Thee, was earth’s foundation laid;

Thy pow’r upholds whate’er was made.

These verses remind us of Jesus’ deity and the role He played in the creation of the world. It points to His divine nature as the Son of God. The hymn acknowledges that Jesus was there in the beginning and it was through Him that the heavens and the earth were formed. This truth is not just a historical fact but a source of comfort and assurance for us today. Just as Jesus had the power to create the world, He has the power to hold all things together in our lives.

“We bless Thee, O Immanuel! Who dost in our own likeness dwell; Thy human nature, temple true, wherein the Father’s face we view.” Here, the hymn emphasizes the wonderful mystery of the Incarnation – God becoming man in the form of Jesus. “Immanuel” means “God with us,” and this name encapsulates the beauty of Jesus taking on human flesh to dwell among us. Through His human nature, Jesus became the true temple, the place where we can encounter the Father’s face. In Jesus, we see the perfect image of God and find for a meaningful relationship with our Heavenly Father.

“On hearts in faith confessing thee, the Christ, the son of God, to be, the living Church, Thou dost maintain, and gates of death resist in vain.” These lines draw attention to our role as members of the Church, the living body of Christ. When we confess Jesus as the Son of God in faith, we become part of the Church that He sustains. It is important to note that the Church is not just a physical building but a community of believers united in their for Jesus. We are empowered by Christ to resist the influence of death and darkness, knowing that He is with us, fighting alongside us.

Finally, the hymn concludes with a heartfelt plea, “O Lord, accept our offering free, and may this house be reared for Thee; on Thee we build, on Thee alone, O Jesus, Thou our Corner-Stone.” The house mentioned here could refer to a physical place of , but it can also symbolize our lives as a dwelling place for God’s presence. We offer our lives as a free gift to Jesus, acknowledging Him as our Corner Stone. With Jesus at the center, we find purpose and meaning in all that we do.

In summary, “O Jesus, Our Chief Corner Stone” is a hymn that beautifully captures the significance of Jesus in our lives. As the Corner Stone, Jesus is the solid foundation upon which our faith is built. He is the Rock of Ages, the Creator, and Sustainer of all things. Through Him, we have access to God the Father and find our identity as living stones in the Church. Let us to build our lives on Jesus, our Chief Corner Stone, and allow Him to guide and strengthen us every step of the .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound significance of Jesus as our Chief Corner Stone and the foundation of our faith. Explore the hymn that reveals His deity, humanity, and the power He holds as the Rock of Ages.


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