O Lord Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear – Hymn Lyric

Discover solace and strength in the hymn "O Lord

O Lord Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear – Hymn Lyric

TITLE: O Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear: Finding Strength in Prayer In the hymn “O Lord, Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear,” a humble servant seeks solace and protection in times of affliction and poverty. Through heartfelt prayer, the servant expresses unwavering in God’s compassion and mercy, finding strength in the recognition of God’s greatness and mighty works. This hymn reminds us that prayer can provide comfort and hope, allowing us to find solace in God’s love and grace.


O Lord Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear – Hymn Lyric

O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear,
and hear me graciously;
Because I sore afflicted am,
and am in poverty.

Because I’m holy, let my soul
by thee preserved be:
O thou my God, thy servant save,
that puts his trust in thee.

Sith unto thee I daily cry,
be merciful to me.
Rejoice thy servant’s soul; for, Lord,
I lift my soul to thee.

For thou art gracious, O Lord,
and ready to forgive;
And rich in mercy, all that call
upon thee to relieve.

Hear, Lord, my pray’r; unto the voice
of my request attend:
In troublous times I’ll call on thee;
for thou wilt answer send.

Lord, there is none among the gods
that may with thee compare;
And like the works which thou hast done,
not any work is there.

All nations whom thou mad’st come
and rev’rently
Before thy face; and they, O Lord,
thy name shall glorify.

Because thou art exceeding great,
and works by thee are done
Which are to be admir’d; and thou
art God thyself alone.

Teach me thy , and in thy truth,
O Lord, then walk will I;
Unite my heart, that I thy name
may fear continually.

O Lord my God, with all my heart
to thee I will give praise;
And I the glory will ascribe
unto thy name always:

Because thy mercy toward me
in greatness doth excel;
And thou deliver’d hast my soul
out from the lowest hell.

O God, the proud against me rise,
and vi’lent men have met,
That for my soul have sought; and thee
before them have not set.

But thou art full of pity, Lord,
a God most gracious,
Long-suffering, and in thy truth
and mercy plenteous.

O turn to me thy countenance,
and mercy on me have;
Thy servant strengthen, and the son
of thine own handmaid save.

Shew me a sign for good, that they
which do me hate may see,
And be asham’d; because thou, Lord,
didst help and comfort me.


Meaning of O Lord Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear

O Lord, Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear: Finding Strength in Prayer

In times of affliction and poverty, it is natural to seek solace and comfort in our faith. The hymn, “O Lord, Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear,” beautifully captures the plea of a humble servant crying out to God for mercy, protection, and deliverance. Throughout the verses, we witness a deep connection between the speaker and their Creator, as well as the recognition of God’s greatness and mighty works.

At the heart of this hymn lies the understanding that the Lord is compassionate and forgiving, ready to extend His mercy to all who call upon Him. The opening lines depict the speaker’s acknowledgement of their affliction, for God to hear their cry graciously. In moments of hardship, it is reassuring to know that we can turn to God, who is not only gracious but also rich in mercy. This belief provides a foundation of hope, as the speaker puts their trust in the Lord’s ability to save.

In times of distress and trouble, prayer becomes a lifeline for the speaker. They declare their unwavering faith in God’s ability to answer their requests, believing that their voice will be heard. This deep-rooted trust and the certainty of divine intervention instills a sense of joy and uplifts the servant’s soul. What a powerful reminder this is for all who face challenges that we, too, can find solace by lifting our souls to the Lord.

The hymn continues by extolling the magnificence and uniqueness of the Lord. The speaker acknowledges that there is none like God among the gods; His works are beyond compare. The words of the hymn resonate with the understanding that people from all nations will come to worship Him and glorify His name. It is a testament to the greatness of God and His ability to inspire reverence and awe in all who encounter Him.

The speaker’s desire to walk in the Lord’s ways and fear His name represents a deep for guidance, truth, and wisdom. They recognize that unity of heart is essential in faithfully following God’s path. This serves as a reminder for all believers to seek God’s teachings and strive for a constant awareness of His presence in their lives. By doing so, we can cultivate a strong and unshakable faith.

As the hymn progresses, the servant pledges to praise the Lord with all their heart. This declaration of and exaltation acknowledges the boundless mercy and deliverance received from God. The speaker recognizes their from the deepest despair, emphasizing the incredible magnitude of God’s mercy and the extent of His saving power.

The hymn concludes with a plea for strength and a sign of God’s favor. The servant acknowledges the presence of adversaries and violent men seeking harm. Despite such challenges, they rest assured in God’s pity, graciousness, and abundant truth and mercy. The speaker calls upon the Lord to strengthen and save them, seeking reassurance and protection from those who wish them harm. Furthermore, they ask for a sign of God’s goodness, so that even those who oppose them will witness His help and be ashamed.

In this hymn, we find a beautiful expression of both vulnerability and unwavering faith. It serves as a reminder that, through prayer, we can find strength and comfort in times of hardship. The plea to God to bow down His ear demonstrates the intimate nature of our relationship with Him. We are encouraged to approach Him honestly, seeking solace in His mercy and finding hope in His mighty works. Let us take comfort in knowing that God is always ready to listen and extend His love and grace to those who call upon Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover solace and strength in the hymn O Lord, Do Thou Bow Down Thine Ear, as a humble servant cries out for mercy, protection, and deliverance. Find comfort in God's compassion and mighty works.


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