O Lord How Lovely Are Thy Habitations – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of worship at O Lord's lovely habitations. Join people from all nations in praising the Lord with eternal songs. Cherish the freedom to assemble and obey His Word. Trust in His love and remain in His holy presence forever.

O Lord How Lovely Are Thy Habitations – Hymn Lyric

O Lord, How Lovely Are Thy Habitations is a beautiful hymn the sacred and dwelling places of God. It emphasizes the joy and wonder that come from gathering together as a community to worship and Him. It highlights the gratitude for the freedom to assemble and the desire to His Word and bring glory to His name.


O Lord How Lovely Are Thy Habitations – Hymn Lyric

O Lord, how lovely are Thy habitations,
Where Thy holy people of all nations praise Thee,
Songs eternal raise Thee.

Each day before Thee is a wondrous blessing.
We implore Thee, keep us from transgressing.
Guide us, be Thou e’er beside us.

Help us defend our freedom to assemble;
We implore Thee, prayer within Thy temple.
May we through Thy Word obey Thee.

Lord, accept us, for we trust Thee solely.
Thou hast kept us in Thy presence holy,
Savior, Thine we are forever.


Meaning of O Lord How Lovely Are Thy Habitations

O Lord, how lovely are Thy habitations! Your dwelling places are filled with joy and wonder. In these sacred spaces, people from all around the world come together to praise and worship You. It is a beautiful sight to see, as songs of eternal love and gratitude rise up to You.

Every day in Your presence is a blessing beyond measure. We come before You with humble hearts, asking for Your guidance and protection. We know that we are prone to making mistakes and straying from Your path, so we implore You to keep us from transgressing. With Your loving leading us, we are confident that we can navigate the challenges of life.

Lord, we ask for Your guidance to help us defend our freedom to assemble. In a world where many are denied the right to gather and worship freely, we are for the privilege to come together as a community and lift our voices in prayer. May we never take this freedom for granted and always cherish the ability to join together in Your name.

Through Your Word, we find the instructions and wisdom we need to live according to Your will. We seek to obey You and follow Your commandments. Help us, Lord, to be diligent in reading and studying Your Word, that we may grow in our faith and relationship with You. By living out the teachings of Your Word, we hope to honor You and bring glory to Your name.

Dear Lord, we come before You with open hearts, ready to receive Your acceptance and love. We trust in You completely, for You have never failed us. Throughout our lives, You have kept us in Your holy presence, showering us with Your and mercy. Please continue to guide us and shape us into the people You designed us to be.

Savior, we belong to You forever. We are eternally grateful for Your love and dedication to us. In a world that is constantly changing, You remain steadfast and unchanging. Your love and faithfulness never waver. As we gather in Your habitations, we are reminded of Your constant presence in our lives, and we are filled with joy and peace.

O Lord, how lovely are Thy habitations! Your dwelling places are sacred and holy. In this world, filled with chaos and uncertainty, we find solace in the comfort of Your presence. We are grateful for the freedom to gather and worship You. May we always remember the privilege it is to come together as a community, and may we never take it for granted.

Through Your love and guidance, may we continue to grow in our faith and become vessels of Your in this world. We pray that our worship and praise may bring You joy and honor. Thank You, Lord, for the privilege to gather and worship You in Your lovely habitations. .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of worship at O Lord's lovely habitations. Join people from all nations in praising the Lord with eternal songs. Cherish the freedom to assemble and obey His Word. Trust in His love and remain in His holy presence forever.


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