O Precious Seal Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of God's Spirit | O Precious Seal of Love Divine: Cleansing

O Precious Seal Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

“O Precious Seal of Love Divine: Experiencing the Power of God’s Spirit” is a hymn that explores the transformative power of the Spirit in our lives. It emphasizes the Spirit’s role in cleansing and renewing our hearts, leading us to a deeper relationship with God. Through the Spirit’s intercession, we are showered with abundant , experiencing the true power of God’s love.


O Precious Seal Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

O precious seal of love divine,
O gift of priceless worth,
The Spirit’s cleansing, healing flood,
The new and birth!

The Three in One their witness bear
Of love and grace beyond compare;
The Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God.

The Spirit makes my heart
His own abiding place,
Transformed by His renewing pow’r,
His sanctifying grace.


The Spirit to my heart reveals
The Christ of love,
The pathway to joy,
The bliss of life above.


For me the Spirit intercedes
Before the Father’s throne,
And richest show’rs of blessings fall
On those He calls His own.


Meaning of O Precious Seal Of Love Divine

O Precious Seal of Love Divine: Experiencing the Power of God’s Spirit

Have you ever felt like you needed a fresh start? A cleansing from within that could wash away all your mistakes and make you brand new? Well, my friend, that is exactly what the hymn “O Precious Seal of Love Divine” is all about! It speaks of the incredible gift of the Spirit and the transformative power it brings to our lives.

Picture this: a seal, a mark of authenticity and ownership. That is what the Spirit of God is to us. It is a seal of love, a confirmation that we are God’s precious . Isn’t that amazing? It means that no matter what mistakes we have made or how far off course we may have wandered, God’s love is always there, ready to embrace us and us back to Him.

The hymn also talks about the Spirit’s cleansing and healing flood. Just like a flood washes away dirt and grime, the Spirit’s presence in our lives cleanses us from within. It purifies our hearts and sets us free from the burdens of guilt and shame. It is a new and holy birth, a fresh start that brings us into a deeper relationship with God.

But how does this happen? How does the Spirit in our lives? Well, my friend, it all starts with our longing hearts. When we open ourselves up to the Spirit, inviting Him to dwell within us, something incredible happens. Our hearts become His abiding place, a sacred space where He transforms us from the inside out.

Imagine being renewed, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. That is exactly what the Spirit’s renewing power does in our lives. It takes our brokenness, our flaws, and our weaknesses, and turns them into something beautiful. It is a sanctifying grace that molds us into the image of Christ, helping us become the best version of ourselves.

The hymn also speaks of the Spirit’s role in revealing the blessed Christ of love to our hearts. As we walk with the Spirit, He guides us along the pathway to eternal joy, showing us the way to experience the fullness of life above. It’s like having a personal GPS that leads us to a destination of abundant blessings and joy.

But the wonders of the Spirit don’t end there. The hymn reminds us that the Spirit intercedes for us before the Father’s throne. Isn’t that comforting to know? The Spirit advocates for us, speaking on our behalf, and drawing down God’s abundant blessings upon our lives. It’s like having a direct line to the King of Kings, and it is all because of the Spirit’s work in our hearts.

So, my friend, let us rejoice in the precious seal of love divine that is the Spirit. Let us embrace the transformative power it brings, allowing our hearts to be cleansed and renewed, and our lives to be filled with the love and grace beyond compare. Let us walk hand in hand with the Spirit, following His to the pathway of eternal joy. And let us rest assured that the Spirit’s intercession before the Father’s throne brings forth showers of blessings upon our lives.

In conclusion, “O Precious Seal of Love Divine” is a hymn that reminds us of the incredible gift of the Spirit in our lives. It speaks of the Spirit’s cleansing, healing flood, His renewing power, and His role in revealing Christ’s love to our hearts. It also reminds us of the Spirit’s intercession before the Father’s throne, bringing forth abundant blessings. So, my friend, let us embrace this precious seal of love divine and experience the power of God’s Spirit in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of God's Spirit | O Precious Seal of Love Divine: Cleansing, Healing, and Renewing | Embrace the Spirit's Intercession for Abundant Blessings


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