O Prodigal Come I Am Waiting – Hymn Lyric
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O Prodigal Come I Am Waiting – Hymn Lyric
O, prodigal, come, I am waiting,
Why tarry on mountains so bare?
Why perish with cold and with hunger?
There’s bread enough yet and to spare.
Come home, Come home,
O prodigal child, come home,
And squander thy substance no longer;
O prodigal child, come home.
O, prodigal, come, I am waiting,
The Savior said sweetly and low;
Thy sins tho’ they be red as scarlet,
I’ll make them as white as the snow. [Refrain]
O, prodigal, come, I am waiting,
From pleasures of sin turn away;
Make haste and come back to thy Father,
Thy soul may be lost in delay! [Refrain]
O, prodigal, come, I am waiting,
Eternity now draweth nigh;
Return and believe on the Savior,
And thou shalt have treasures on high.
Meaning of O Prodigal Come I Am Waiting
O Prodigal, Come Home: Embrace Forgiveness and Find Salvation
In the timeless hymn “O Prodigal, Come I Am Waiting,” the words resonate with a profound message of love, forgiveness, and the longing for a lost child’s return. The title itself speaks to the enduring hope and patience of a parent, a loving Heavenly Father, waiting eagerly for the prodigal child to come home.
The hymn begins with a gentle call, a plea from the father’s heart. “O prodigal, come, I am waiting,” it says. The words are filled with anticipation and concern, urging the prodigal child to leave the desolate mountains where they have wandered and return to the embrace of a safe and loving home.
The refrain echoes this invitation, repeating the words “Come home, Come home, O prodigal child, come home.” It is a plea that reaches far beyond the immediate circumstances of the prodigal’s life. It is a call to redemption, an invitation to leave behind a life of recklessness and squandering for a new beginning filled with love and grace.
The hymn acknowledges the prodigal’s current state, acknowledging that they may be shivering from the cold and hunger. But it reassures them that there is “bread enough yet and to spare.” It is a promise of sustenance, both physical and spiritual, a reminder that even in the depths of despair, there is a source of hope and nourishment waiting to be embraced.
The second verse brings forth the kindness and compassion of the Savior. It says, “The Savior said sweetly and low; Thy sins tho’ they be red as scarlet, I’ll make them as white as the snow.” These words offer a powerful reassurance of forgiveness. No matter how deep the prodigal’s transgressions may be, there is the promise of redemption, of a fresh start, where their sins will be washed away, and they will be cleansed.
The hymn continues to implore the prodigal to turn away from the allure of sinful pleasures. It recognizes that the road to return may not be easy, and there might be inner struggles and external temptations along the way. Yet, it urges the prodigal, “Make haste and come back to thy Father, thy soul may be lost in delay!” This urgency highlights the dangers of delay and the necessity of seizing the opportunity for salvation before it slips away.
The final verse brings a sense of eternity into the picture. It reminds the prodigal that time is running short, that “Eternity now draweth nigh.” By returning to the Savior and believing in Him, the prodigal can secure treasures beyond measure, treasures that transcend the fleeting pleasures of this world. It is a powerful reminder of the value of faith and the eternal rewards that await those who come home to the waiting Father.
In conclusion, “O Prodigal, Come I Am Waiting” is a heartfelt hymn that speaks to the universal longing for forgiveness, redemption, and a safe haven in times of distress. Its words carry a message of love and hope, urging the wandering soul to return to the embrace of a Heavenly Father who longs for their homecoming. It reminds us that no matter how far we have strayed, there is always a path back to grace and a loving Father waiting with open arms. So, let us heed the call of this timeless hymn, and like the prodigal child, come home.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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