O Sing A New Song To The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Sing a new song to the Lord! This hymn teaches us the importance of gratitude

O Sing A New Song To The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“O Sing A New Song To The Lord: Expressing and Worship” is a hymn that encourages us to approach worship with fresh enthusiasm and gratitude. It reminds us of the greatness and majesty of God and calls on all people to come together and give glory and power to Him. We are reminded of the importance of offering ourselves and our resources in His service, and to worship Him with awe and reverence.


O Sing A New Song To The Lord – Hymn Lyric

O sing a new song to the Lord;
Sing all, the earth, to God,
To God sing, bless His Name, show still
His saving health abroad.

Great honor is before His face,
And majesty divine;
Strength is within His place,
And there doth beauty shine.

Do ye ascribe the Lord,
Of people every tribe,
Glory do ye unto the Lord
And mighty power ascribe.

Give ye the glory to the Lord
That to His Name is due;
Come ye into His courts, and
An offering with you.

In beauty of His holiness,
O do the Lord adore;
Likewise let all the earth throughout
Tremble His face before.


Meaning of O Sing A New Song To The Lord

O Sing A New Song To The Lord: Expressing Gratitude and Worship

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the importance of singing a new song to the Lord. It encourages all people on earth to come together and sing praises to God, His name and spreading His saving health to all corners of the world.

The verse begins by urging us to sing a new song to the Lord. What does it mean to sing a new song? Well, it means approaching our worship with fresh enthusiasm and gratitude. It means not getting caught up in stagnant routines or repetitive motions, but instead, embracing a sense of creativity and wonder in our worship. God’s and mercy are constantly renewing, so it is fitting that we find new ways to express our gratitude for His blessings.

The hymn continues by emphasizing the greatness and majesty of God. It reminds us that strength resides within His holy place, and there, beauty shines. This image paints a picture of God’s divine sanctuary, a place of power and wonder. It is a testament to His endless and love. As we sing this hymn, we can imagine ourselves standing in awe before His holy presence, humbled by His greatness.

The verse then calls upon all people, from every tribe and nation, to ascribe glory and power to the Lord. This inclusive message reminds us that God’s love extends to all corners of the earth. It doesn’t matter where we come from or what language we ; we are all invited to join in giving glory to God. This unity in worship is a powerful reminder that we are all one in Christ, regardless of our differences.

The hymn goes on to encourage us to give the glory that is due to God and to bring offerings into His courts. This teaches us about the importance of giving back to God. It is not enough to simply praise Him with our words; we must also offer ourselves and our resources as a symbol of our commitment and gratitude. This can include donating our time, talents, and treasures to His service, as well as sharing our love and kindness with those around us.

In the beauty of His holiness, we are called to adore the Lord. This reminds us of the awe and reverence we should approach our worship with. God’s holiness is a reflection of His perfection and purity. When we come before Him, it is essential to do so with a humble and reverent , recognizing His greatness and our own unworthiness.

Finally, the hymn concludes by urging all the earth to tremble before the Lord’s face. This trembling is not one of fear, but rather a response to the overwhelming presence of God. It is a natural reaction when we truly acknowledge His greatness and power. The hymn invites us to join together in awe and reverence, recognizing that God’s power and love extend beyond our comprehension.

In conclusion, “O Sing A New Song To The Lord” is a hymn that reminds us to approach our worship with gratitude, creativity, and awe. It calls upon all people to come together, giving glory and power to God. It teaches us the importance of offering ourselves and our resources in His service. Let us embrace the message of this hymn and allow it to guide our worship, as we sing a new song to the Lord, expressing our gratitude and adoration for His endless blessings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing a new song to the Lord! This hymn teaches us the importance of gratitude, creativity, and unity in worship. Join together in praising God's greatness and offering ourselves in His service. Let's embrace the message and sing a new song to the Lord with all our hearts.


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