O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting – Hymn Lyric

Discover the peace and joy of loved ones resting in heaven. Join them in singing heavenly songs of praise and look forward to a glorious reunion. Resting

O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting – Hymn Lyric

O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting Imagine a place where all your worries and troubles fade away, where there is no pain or . In this hymn, we are reminded of the beauty and serenity of heaven, where our loved ones have found peace and joy. While we may miss them, we can find solace knowing that one day, we will join them in the chorus of , experiencing the unimaginable bliss and love that await us in heaven.


O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting – Hymn Lyric

Oh, the bliss of loved ones resting
By the crystal river bright;
‘Neath the shade of trees immortal,
Where no shadows dim the light!

Resting, resting, sweetly resting,
Where no shadows dim the light.
For this rest they longed and waited,
Heaven’s glory was the ;
Living faith now bids us hear them
with the -washed throng;

Resting, resting, sweetly resting,
Singing with the blood-washed throng.

May we not on earth with them,
Echoing back their notes of ?
Yes, but blessed hope inspires us
Heav’n’s eternal songs to raise;

Resting, resting, sweetly resting,
Heav’n’s eternal songs to raise.

Oh, the peace and rest in heaven!
Oh, the bliss of loved ones there!
Love divine now bears us upward
All their blessedness to share;

Resting, resting, sweetly resting,
All their blessedness to share.


Meaning of O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting

O The Bliss Of Loved Ones Resting: Finding Peace and Joy in Heaven

Oh, the bliss of loved ones resting by the crystal river bright! Imagine a place where all your worries and troubles fade away, where there is no pain or sadness. This is the paradise that our loved ones have found, a place where they can truly rest. In this hymn, we are reminded of the beauty and serenity of heaven, where our loved ones await us with open arms.

‘Neath the shade of trees immortal, where no shadows dim the light, our loved ones find solace and comfort. It is a place filled with eternal joy and happiness. The radiance of heaven shines so brightly that no darkness can touch it. The shadows of our earthly worries are left behind, and only pure light prevails.

For this rest, they longed and waited, heaven’s glory was the song. Our loved ones yearned for this peace and rest in heaven. They lived their lives with the hope of eternal glory. Now, they guide us from above, singing with the blood-washed throng. Their voices join the chorus of angels, and worshiping the Lord. Their faith has been rewarded, and they are now at peace.

May we not on earth sing with them, echoing back their notes of praise? Yes, we can join in their heavenly songs even while we’re still on earth. We can honor their memory by singing songs of praise and carrying on their legacy. Their love and influence continue to inspire us, and as we raise our voices, we can feel their presence among us.

But blessed hope inspires us, heaven’s eternal songs to raise. The prospect of joining our loved ones in heaven fills us with hope and joy. We have a blessed assurance that one day we will be reunited with them. This hope propels us to live our lives in a way that honors their memory and prepares us for the eternal songs of heaven.

Oh, the peace and rest in heaven! Oh, the bliss of loved ones there! In heaven, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. It is a place of eternal bliss and happiness. Our loved ones have found this incredible joy, and we long to share in their blessedness.

Love divine now bears us upward, all their blessedness to share. It is the divine love of God that lifts us up and carries us towards heaven. Through His love, we are connected to our loved ones who have already found rest. They us on, encouraging us to live our lives in a way that leads to eternal blessedness.

In the midst of life’s challenges and tribulations, we are comforted by the thought of our loved ones resting in heaven. It gives us strength to carry on in the face of adversity. Knowing that they are at peace encourages us to find peace within ourselves.

So, let us remember the bliss of loved ones resting and hold onto the hope of heaven. Their restful abode is a reminder that there is a greater purpose to our lives. Let us strive to live in a way that echoes their notes of praise and brings us closer to heaven’s eternal songs.

As we tread through life’s , may we find solace in the thought that our loved ones are at rest, singing with the blood-washed throng. And one day, when it is our time, we will join them in the chorus of angels, experiencing the unimaginable bliss and love that await us in heaven. Resting, resting, sweetly resting, oh, what a glorious day that will be!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the peace and joy of loved ones resting in heaven. Join them in singing heavenly songs of praise and look forward to a glorious reunion. Resting, resting, sweetly resting - embrace the bliss now.


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