O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Discover comfort and strength in God's love with "O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul." Find solace in the unwavering care and guidance of our Creator who bears our burdens and provides us with the wisdom and strength to carry on. Experience the everlasting love and support of a Father who never forgets us

O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul” is a heartfelt hymn that speaks to the universal human experience of seeking comfort and in times of . The lyrics beautifully express our for a presence that can bear our burdens and provide strength. Through its profound message, this hymn reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles and encourages us to turn to God for care and solace.


O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul – Hymn Lyric

O Thou who dost care for my soul,
That soul makes its outcry to Thee;
Then take me, to keep and control,
And bear my life’s burden for me.

Thou love that art stronger than death,
My burden upon Thee I roll;
In Thee is my life and my breath,
O Thou who dost care for my soul!

My wisdom is folly at best,
My strength is but weakness I know;
In Thee shall my spirit have rest,
To whom but to Thee can I go?

Tho’ dangers may threaten me, yet
Thou waitest the call of my pray’rs;
Tho’ friends I have loved may forget,
I still have a Father who cares.


Meaning of O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul

O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul: Finding Comfort and Strength in God’s Love

In times of trouble and despair, when our hearts are heavy with burdens, we turn to a power greater than ourselves. We seek solace and guidance from someone who cares deeply for us, someone who will bear the weight of our difficulties and provide us with the strength we to carry on. This hymn, with its heartfelt verses and soul-stirring refrain, beautifully expresses the longing we feel for that loving presence in our lives.

As we sing these words, we are reminded of the unwavering love of our Creator, who never ceases to care for our souls. The hymn begins by acknowledging that our soul cries out to God, recognizing that in His hands lies the power to guide, protect, and sustain us. The deep love that God has for us is stronger than death itself, and it is in this assurance that we find comfort and hope.

We live in a where we often seek wisdom and strength in our own limited abilities. We strive to make sense of life’s complexities and navigate its challenges with our own intellect and physical prowess. However, this hymn reminds us that our wisdom is mere folly and our strength is nothing more than weakness. It is only through surrendering ourselves to God’s care that we can find true wisdom and the strength to carry on.

Many times in life, we come face to face with dangers and uncertainties that threaten to overwhelm us. In the midst of these trials, we may find ourselves feeling helpless and alone. Yet, within the lyrics of this hymn, we are reminded that God eagerly our prayers. He stands ready to answer our cries for help and to provide us with the protection and guidance we yearn for. In God, we find a loving Father who never forgets us, even when the people we hold dear may turn away. His care is unending and unfailing.

The title of this hymn, “O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul,” encapsulates the central message beautifully. It speaks directly to God, acknowledging His love and care for our very souls. It is a reminder that we are never alone in our struggles, that God is always there to comfort and support us. This title not only captures the essence of the hymn but also serves as a powerful keyword for search engine optimization (SEO), helping people who are seeking spiritual solace to discover this hymn and find the words that speak to their own longing and need.

As we delve deeper into the meaning of this hymn, we understand that it speaks to the universal human experience of searching for something or someone greater than ourselves. We yearn to find solace and rest, a source of wisdom and strength to lean on when life becomes overwhelming. This hymn beautifully articulates that longing and points us towards the ultimate source of comfort and care.

For seventh-grade students who may be grappling with their own challenges and uncertainties, this hymn can serve as a reminder that they are not alone in their struggles. It can provide a sense of hope and reassurance, teaching them to turn to God and trust in His care. It encourages them to seek a deeper understanding of faith and to find comfort in the knowledge that God’s love is always there, ready to bear the burdens they may face.

In conclusion, “O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul” is a hymn that resonates deeply with those who understand the need for divine care and guidance in their lives. Its profound lyrics express the longing for a loving presence that can carry the weight of our burdens and provide us with the strength we need to navigate life’s challenges. May this hymn continue to comfort, hope, and spiritual nourishment to all who seek solace in its words.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover comfort and strength in God's love with O Thou Who Dost Care For My Soul. Find solace in the unwavering care and guidance of our Creator who bears our burdens and provides us with the wisdom and strength to carry on. Experience the everlasting love and support of a Father who never forgets us, even in the face of dangers and uncertainties. This hymn speaks to our universal longing for a higher power and reassures us that we are never alone in our struggles. Let the profound lyrics of this hymn bring hope, reassurance, and spiritual nourishment to your soul.


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