O Twas Heaven To My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience Heavenly Joy: "O Twas Heaven To My Soul" Hymn invites you to seek a fuller blessing

O Twas Heaven To My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“O Twas Heaven To My Soul: Seeking a Fuller ” is a that reminds us of the joy and peace that comes from a close relationship with Jesus. It encourages us to seek a fuller blessing and not settle for less than what has in store for us. By letting go of the old and embracing God’s love and grace, we can experience true fulfillment and abundance in our lives.


O Twas Heaven To My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Oh, ’twas heaven to my soul
When the Savior made me whole
By His love from above!
When He whispered, “Peace, be still!”
And subdued my stubborn will,
Glory shone from the throne.

Why not seek for a fuller blessing?
Why still cling to the mire and clay?
With His storehouse so full of ,
Why go on in the same old way?

Oft we have a foretaste here
Of the glory over there,
And we to our king
As we walk by His dear side
And to Him our love confide,
Day by day, all the way.


Oh, ’tis heaven to the soul,
And ’tis joy beyond control
To abide at His side!
Why not now your all forsake
And God’s richer blessing take?
‘Tis for , full and free.


Meaning of O Twas Heaven To My Soul

O Twas Heaven To My Soul: Seeking a Fuller Blessing

Oh, ’twas heaven to my soul

When the Savior made me whole

By His love from above!

When He whispered, “Peace, be still!”

And subdued my stubborn will,

Glory shone from the throne.

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible joy that comes from receiving the love and grace of our Savior. It is as if a light fills our souls, filling us with peace and contentment.

The refrain asks us a thought-provoking question – why not seek for a fuller blessing? This question challenges us to reflect on our lives and evaluate if we are truly experiencing all that God has in store for us. Are we clinging to the mire and clay, settling for less than what God has intended for us?

Many times, we settle for the mundane and the ordinary, not realizing the abundance of blessings that await us. God’s storehouse is full of treasure, treasures that are meant to bring us joy, fulfillment, and purpose. Yet, for some reason, we keep trudging along in the same old way, without exploring the endless possibilities that God has in store for us.

But here’s the exciting part – we don’t have to wait until eternity to experience a taste of heaven. We can have a foretaste of the glory that us even in this present life. As we walk by His side, singing praises to our King, we can confide in Him, pouring out our love and gratitude.

Walking with Jesus is indeed heaven to the soul. It brings a joy that is beyond our control, a joy that surpasses any temporary happiness that the can offer. It is in this close relationship with our Savior that we find true contentment and peace.

So, why not now? Why not forsake our old, comfortable ways and seek the fullness of God’s blessing? The hymn encourages us to take that step, to let go of our fears and doubts, and to embrace the fullness and richness of God’s love.

God’s blessings are waiting for us, ready to be poured out in abundance. It is for each one of us, individually, to embrace and receive these blessings. God’s love is full and free, and it is ours for the taking.

But seeking a fuller blessing requires action on our part. It is not a passive waiting game; it is an intentional pursuit. We must be to let go of our own desires and plans, and surrender to God’s plan for our lives. It may mean stepping out of our comfort zones, taking risks, and trusting God’s guidance.

When we make the choice to seek a fuller blessing, God meets us halfway. He is always ready to pour out His love and grace upon us. It is up to us to open our hearts and receive His blessings, to experience the joy and peace that He has in store for us.

In conclusion, “O Twas Heaven To My Soul” reminds us of the incredible joy and fulfillment that comes from a close relationship with Jesus. It challenges us to seek a fuller blessing, not settling for less than what God has in store for us. It is an invitation to let go of the old and embrace the new, to experience the abundance of God’s love and grace. So, let us not cling to the mire and clay, but rather, let us take hold of the treasure that God has prepared for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience Heavenly Joy: O Twas Heaven To My Soul Hymn invites you to seek a fuller blessing, embrace God's love, and find ultimate fulfillment. Surrender to receive the treasure and peace that await you.


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