Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice – Hymn Lyric

Discover the inner struggle of following faith in "Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice." Trust in the Lord's calling

Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice – Hymn Lyric

The “Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice” captures the struggle many face when deciding between worldly pleasures and a deeper connection with the . It acknowledges the barriers that hinder our response to the Lord’s gentle calling and encourages us to trust in Him amidst the storms of life. Despite our weaknesses, the hymn reminds us that the Lord is near, supporting us and urging us to choose a life of .


Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice – Hymn Lyric

OFT have I heard thy tender voice
Which calls, Lord, to me,
And asks a quick yet lasting choice
‘Twixt worldly joys and thee;

It stirs my heart’s deep fountain springs,
And breaks the barriers down;
It bids me rise on faith’s strong wings,
And cries: No cross, no crown!

And yet, alas! a storm-tossed sea
Of care and doubt and fear
Still parts me, Saviour Lord, from thee,
Although thou art so near.

O speak again and bid me ,
From every fear set free,
In spite of self and sin and storm,
Upon the waves to thee.

O Lord, I dare to trust in thee,
Who maketh all things ,
My sins to slay, my tears to ,
My sorrows to subdue;

And in the battle’s blazing heat,
When flesh and would quail,
I’ll fight and trust, and still repeat
That cannot fail.


Meaning of Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice

Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice: in the Calling of the Lord

The hymn “Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice” beautifully captures the inner struggle that many of us face when it comes to following our faith. The lyrics speak of the Lord’s gentle voice calling out to us, beckoning us to choose between the pleasures of the world and a deeper connection with Him. It reminds us that while our hearts may be stirred by His words, we are often hindered by the cares, doubts, and fears that surround us.

As the hymn begins, it acknowledges how frequently we hear the Lord’s tender voice reaching out to us. This voice is not forceful or demanding, but rather, it gently calls us to make a decision that will have lasting consequences. We are confronted with a choice between the fleeting joys that the world offers or the ever-abiding love and peace that can only be found in a relationship with the Lord.

The hymn speaks of the barriers that need to be broken down in our hearts in order for us to fully respond to this calling. Often, the cares and worries of life create walls that prevent us from fully surrendering to the Lord’s will. We may be entangled in worldly pursuits or consumed by fear and doubt. Despite the Lord’s nearness, we find ourselves still separated from Him, yearning for His presence and guidance.

Yet, amidst this sea of turbulence and uncertainty, we are invited to take comfort in the Lord’s reassurance. He speaks to us again, urging us to come to Him with freedom from fear, despite our own shortcomings and the storms that surround us. When society tells us to rely on ourselves and our own strength, the Lord invites us to trust in Him and step out onto the waves of faith.

Trusting in the Lord requires an unwavering belief that He is capable of transforming our lives. The hymn acknowledges that we can dare to trust in Him because He is the one who makes all things new. He has the power to slay our sins, dry our tears, and overcome our sorrows. When faced with the trials and challenges of life, it is in His strength that we find the courage to continue fighting, knowing that Jesus cannot fail.

Throughout the hymn, there is a sense of personal commitment and resolve. The speaker acknowledges their own weaknesses and flaws, but still chooses to trust in the Lord. It is a declaration of faith in the midst of adversity. The battle may be fierce, and our frail human nature may tempt us to surrender, but we are called to fight and trust, knowing that the Lord is with us every step of the way.

While this hymn beautifully expresses the struggles and desires of the human heart, it also points to the hope and assurance that can be found in a relationship with the Lord. It acknowledges that the choice between worldly pleasures and a life of faith is not an easy one, but it is one that is worth making.

In conclusion, “Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the inner journey of a believer. It reminds us of the constant calling we receive from the Lord and the barriers that hinder our response. Through its lyrics, we are encouraged to trust in the Lord, who can transform our lives and lead us through the storms of life. It serves as a reminder that despite our own weaknesses, the Lord is always near, supporting us and urging us to choose a life of faith. May we all dare to trust in Him, for Jesus cannot fail.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the inner struggle of following faith in Oft Have I Heard Thy Tender Voice. Trust in the Lord's calling, overcome barriers, and choose a life of faith.


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