Our Master Jesus Reigned Above – Hymn Lyric

Discover the love and redemption of Our Master Jesus Reigned Above. Experience His unconditional love

Our Master Jesus Reigned Above – Hymn Lyric

“Our Master Jesus Reigned Above: A Message of Love and ” reminds us of Jesus’ incredible love for humanity. This hymn celebrates how Jesus seeks out even the insignificant and flawed, offering forgiveness and hope of eternal life. His ultimate act of love through his crucifixion shows his boundless compassion and grace for all, regardless of social status or background.


Our Master Jesus Reigned Above – Hymn Lyric

Our Master, Jesus, reign’d above,
The Lord of all was He.
And yet with wondrous love,
Chose to bestow His affection on me.

Our Master, Jesus, bless His name,
How I love to hear the sound.
When I was lost, to seek me He came,
Oh, thank God, I was found!

From His birth, our Master, Jesus, bore
My sins and sorrows.
While He lived on just like me,
A servant’s form He chose to wear.

Our Master, Jesus, went to preach
The Gospel all everywhere.
His example, a lesson to teach,
On bearing the burden of the Cross we share.

Our Master, Jesus, in all He said and did,
Was overflowing with .
He healed the sick, the lame, and blind,
Raised the dead back to life in His gentleness.

By the hands of wicked men, our master, Jesus, was crucified,
Yet, for His murderers, He pleaded and prayed.
Then He died, but in , He was revived,
Defeating death, He rose from the grave.

To save the world from hell, our Master, Jesus, bore this heavy cross,
His sacrifice offered amazing bliss of Heaven,
Both to the free man and the slave, it wasn’t a loss,
A testament to His love, so freely given.

Our Master, Jesus, delights in hearts made pure within,
Though we are black, our souls are white in His sight.
When He forgives our sins, a life we begin,
Washed clean in His love, in His glorious light.

Our Master, Jesus, who gave Himself to die for me,
Grant this negro grace to live, I plead.
And when death comes, may I have the grace to succumb,
only to live again, in you, indeed.


Meaning of Our Master Jesus Reigned Above

Our Master Jesus Reigned Above: A Message of Love and Redemption

In today’s world, where competition and power seem to reign supreme, it is refreshing to remember that there is a master above all masters, and His name is Jesus. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of His love and how He chose to set His love on us, despite our flaws and imperfections.

Growing up, I often heard stories about Jesus and His incredible love for humanity. It always amazed me that someone as powerful as Jesus would take the time to seek out someone as insignificant as me. The hymn reminds me of the joy I feel when I hear the sound of His name. It brings me comfort to know that even in my darkest moments, Jesus came looking for me and, thank God, He found me.

From His birth, Jesus carried the weight of our sins and sorrows, just like me. This humbles me and helps me to remember that He understands the struggles we face in our daily lives. He chose to live on earth in the form of a servant, showing us through His example how we should bear our own crosses in life.

Jesus’ ministry was about more than just preaching; it was about living out the message of the Gospel. He touched the lives of people wherever He went. His kindness knew no bounds as He healed the sick, the lame, the blind, and even raised the dead. It is almost unbelievable to think of the impact that Jesus had on the lives of those He encountered.

However, it was not just through acts of kindness that Jesus left His mark on the world. His ultimate act of love came through His crucifixion. Despite being betrayed and crucified by wicked men, Jesus prayed for His murderers. This act of forgiveness and love showed us the depth of His compassion and grace. And even in death, Jesus did not defeated. He rose again, conquering sin and death, and offering us the hope of eternal life.

Our Master Jesus suffered and died to save the world from the depths of hell. His sacrifice was not limited to a particular group but extended to all, regardless of social status or cultural background. His love knows no bounds and reaches even the most vulnerable and marginalized, such as the poor and enslaved. Our Master Jesus desires to bring everyone to the amazing bliss of heaven, where all will be free.

It is often said that Jesus takes in pure hearts. This means that no matter our external appearance or societal labels, our souls can be as white as snow when we seek forgiveness for our sins. Our Master Jesus knows that we are not defined by our past or our mistakes but by the love and grace we receive when we accept Him into our hearts.

As I reflect on this hymn, I am reminded of the powerful message it conveys. Our Master Jesus reigned above, not to lord over us with authority, but to offer us His unconditional love and redemption. He gave Himself up to die for us, and now, it is our duty to live a life of grace and gratitude.

In conclusion, the hymn “Our Master Jesus Reigned Above” captures the essence of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It reminds us that no matter where we come from, Jesus seeks us out, forgives our sins, and offers us the hope of eternal life. Our Master Jesus desires to bring everyone, including the poor and enslaved, to the amazing bliss of heaven. May we always remember the love of our Master Jesus and live our lives in a way that reflects His grace and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the love and redemption of Our Master Jesus Reigned Above. Experience His unconditional love, forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life.


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