Praise God For He Is Good For Still – Hymn Lyric

Praise God For He Is Good: Reflecting on His Mercies and Redemption. Explore the themes of deliverance

Praise God For He Is Good For Still – Hymn Lyric



Praise God For He Is Good For Still – Hymn Lyric

Praise God, for he is good: for still
His mercies lasting be.
Let God’s redeem’d say so, whom he
From th’ en’my’s hand did free;
And gather’d them out of the lands,
From north, south, east, and west.

They stray’d in desert’s pathless way,
No city found to rest.
For thirst and hunger in them faints
Their soul. When straits them press,
They cry unto the Lord, and he
Them frees from their distress.

Them also in a way to walk
That right is he did guide,
That they might to a city go,
Wherein they might abide.

O that men to the Lord would give
Praise for his goodness then,
And for his works of wonder done
Unto the sons of men!

For he the soul that longing is
Doth fully satisfy;
With goodness he the hungry soul
Doth fill abundantly.
Such as shut up in darkness deep,
And in death’s shade abide,
Whom strongly hath affliction bound,
And irons fast have ty’d:

Because against the words of God
They wrought rebelliously,
And they the counsel did contemn
Of him that is most High:
Their heart he did bring down with ,
They fell, no help could have.
In trouble then they cry’d to God,
He them from straits did save.

He out of darkness did them bring,
And from death’s shade them take;
These bands, wherewith they had been bound,
Asunder quite he brake.

O that men to the Lord would give
Praise for his goodness then,
And for his works of wonder done
Unto the sons of men!

Because the mighty gates of brass
In pieces he did tear,
By him in sunder also cut
The bars of iron were.
Fools, for their sin, and their offence,
Do sore affliction bear;
All kind of meat their soul abhors;
They to death’s gates draw near.

In grief they cry to God; he saves
Them from their miseries.
He sends his word, them heals, and them
From their destructions frees.

O that men to the Lord would give
Praise for his goodness then,
And for his works of wonder done
Unto the sons of men!

And let them to him
Off’rings of thankfulness;
And let them shew abroad his works
In songs of joyfulness.

Who go to sea in ships, and in
Great waters trading be,
Within the deep these men God’s works
And his great wonders see.

For he commands, and in haste
The stormy tempest flies,
Which makes the sea with rolling waves
Aloft to swell and .

They mount to heav’n, then to the depths
They do go down again;
Their soul doth faint and melt away
With trouble and with pain.

They reel and stagger like one drunk,
At their wit’s end they be:
Then they to God in trouble cry,
Who them from straits doth free.

The storm is chang’d into a calm
At his command and will;
So that the waves, which rag’d before,
Now quiet are and still.

Then are they glad, because at rest
And quiet now they be:
So to the haven he them brings,
Which they desir’d to see.

O that men to the Lord would give
Praise for his goodness then,
And for his works of wonder done
Unto the sons of men!

Among the people gathered
Let them exalt his name;
Among assembled elders spread
His most renowned fame.

He to dry land turns water-springs,
And floods to wilderness;
For sins of those that dwell therein,
Fat land to barrenness.

The burnt and parched wilderness
To water-pools he brings;
The ground that was dry’d up before
He turns to water-springs:

And there, for dwelling, he a place
Doth to the hungry give,
That they a city may prepare
Commodiously to live.

There sow they fields, and vineyards plant,
To yield fruits of increase.
His blessing makes them multiply,
Lets not their beasts decrease.

Again they are diminished,
And very low brought down,
Through and affliction,
And great oppression.

He upon princes pours contempt,
And causeth them to stray,
And wander in a wilderness,
Wherein there is no way.

Yet setteth he the on high
From all his miseries,
And he, much like unto a flock,
Doth make him families.

They that are righteous shall rejoice,
When they the same shall see;
And, as ashamed, stop her mouth
Shall all iniquity.

Whoso is wise, and will these things
Observe, and them record,
Ev’n they shall understand the love
And kindness of the Lord.


Meaning of Praise God For He Is Good For Still

Praise God For He Is Good: Reflecting on God’s Mercies and Redemption

In the hymn “Praise God For He Is Good,” the author sings praises to God and acknowledges His goodness and everlasting mercies. Throughout the hymn, the author explores the themes of redemption, guidance, satisfaction, deliverance, and wonders performed by God.

The hymn begins by emphasizing the goodness of God and His everlasting mercies. It encourages the redeemed to speak out and declare their to God for delivering them from the hands of their enemies. It highlights how God gathered His people from all corners of the , from the north, south, east, and west. This imagery serves as a reminder that God’s love and redemption are all-encompassing, reaching out to people from every corner of the world.

The hymn then depicts a time when the redeemed were lost in the desert, wandering without rest or sustenance. Thirst and hunger plagued their souls, and they cried out to the Lord for help. God, in His mercy, heard their cries and rescued them from their distress. This part of the hymn conveys the message that God is always ready to save His people when they face challenging circumstances or find themselves in difficult situations.

As the hymn progresses, it speaks of God guiding the redeemed on the path of righteousness, leading them to a city where they can find a permanent dwelling. The idea of God providing guidance and a place of refuge suggests that He not only rescues His people from immediate danger but also ensures they have a secure and prosperous future.

The hymn then evolves into an exhortation for people to praise and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and works. It encourages individuals to recognize and appreciate God’s ability to satisfy the longings of the soul, abundantly filling the hungry with goodness. The hymn then describes those who have been trapped in darkness and bound by affliction and hardships. It emphasizes that God has the power to bring them out of their misery and break the chains that bind them.

The hymn warns about the consequences of rebellion and disrespecting God’s word. It states that those who rebel against God’s commands will experience grief and fall into despair. However, it also emphasizes that even in troubled times, God is ready to save those who cry out to Him. He brings them out of darkness and grants them freedom. This part of the hymn conveys the message that God is a merciful and forgiving God, always ready to extend His grace to those who seek Him.

The hymn then highlights God’s power over physical barriers, such as the breaking of gates and bars. It suggests that God can overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of accomplishing His purpose. It also mentions the consequences of foolishness and sin, stating that those who persist in their wrongdoing will face afflictions and approach the gates of death. However, God is depicted as the savior who rescues them from their misery and heals them through His words.

The hymn further urges people to offer sacrificial offerings of thankfulness and to proclaim God’s works through songs of joy. It emphasizes God’s dominion over the sea and His ability to command storms to calm. It describes the experiences of those who go to sea and witness God’s wonders, highlighting His power over turbulent waters.

The hymn then transitions to God’s intervention in the land, turning dry springs into water-sources and barren lands into fruitful fields. This imagery symbolizes God’s ability to and transform desolate situations into flourishing ones. It also suggests that even in the harshest conditions, God provides for His people, ensuring their sustenance and prosperity.

The hymn briefly mentions a time when the people face oppression, sorrow, and diminished numbers. However, it reassures the reader that God uplifts the poor and brings them out of their miseries. It depicts God as a shepherd, caring for His flock and establishing families.

In the closing verses of the hymn, the author highlights the joy of the righteous when they witness God’s works. It mentions that the righteousness of God will silence all iniquity and those who are wise and take heed of these words will understand and appreciate the love and kindness of the Lord.

In conclusion, “Praise God For He Is Good” is a hymn that celebrates God’s goodness, mercies, redemption, guidance, and wonders. It encourages individuals to praise God, to give thanks, and to recognize His ability to satisfy the soul, deliver from distress, and bring transformation to challenging circumstances. Through its powerful imagery and heartfelt expressions, this hymn reminds readers of the importance of acknowledging and appreciating God’s goodness in their lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Praise God For He Is Good: Reflecting on His Mercies and Redemption. Explore the themes of deliverance, guidance, satisfaction, and wonders performed by God in this powerful hymn. Experience His everlasting goodness and give thanks.


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