Rise O My Soul Pursue The Path – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey of faith and inspiration as you rise

Rise O My Soul Pursue The Path – Hymn Lyric

, O My Soul! Pursue the of the Ancient Worthies” is a hymn that encourages us to follow in the footsteps of those who lived and walked with God. Their examples of faith, hope, and mighty provide us with valuable instruction and inspiration on our journey through life. Let us rise up and embrace their legacy as we navigate challenges and strive to reach the ultimate destination – heaven.


Rise O My Soul Pursue The Path – Hymn Lyric

Rise, O my soul, pursue the path
By ancient worthies trod;
Aspiring, view those holy men
Who lived and walked with God.

Tho’ dead, they speak in reason’s ear,
And in example live;
Their faith, and hope and mighty deeds,
Still fresh instruction give.

‘Twas thro’ the Lamb’s most precious blood
They conquered ev’ry foe;
To His almighty pow’r and grace
Their crowns of life they owe.

Lord, may I ever keep in view
The patterns Thou hast giv’n,
And ne’er forsake the blessed road
That led them safe to heav’n.



Meaning of Rise O My Soul Pursue The Path

Rise, O My Soul! Pursue the Path of the Ancient Worthies

Oh, how wonderful it is to feel inspired and motivated to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us! These hymn verses guide us to pursue a path that is not only trodden by the people of the past but also endorsed by reason itself. So, let us embark on a journey filled with faith, hope, and mighty deeds.

Think about it – those holy men, who walked and lived with God, may no longer physically be with us, but their words and actions continue to speak loudly to our hearts and minds. We can still learn from their heritage, drawing from their faith, hope, and accomplishments. They set an example for us, like shining beacons of , showing us how to navigate through life’s challenges.

It is through the sacrificial blood of the Lamb, , that these honorable individuals conquered every foe they encountered. They tapped into His almighty power and grace, and it was this divine connection that enabled them to wear the crowns of life. They understood that true victory lies in their relationship with God, and that is a lesson worth remembering.

So, dear friends, let us pledge to keep these patterns of faith and righteousness firmly in our sights. The Lord has graciously provided us with examples to follow, and it is our duty to never abandon the blessed road that leads to heaven. In doing so, we ensure that we remain on the straight and narrow path, avoiding the pitfalls and distractions that may hinder our progress.

As we traverse this path, we will encounter challenges, doubts, and temptations. However, with the examples set before us, we can draw strength and inspiration from those who have gone before. Just like the ancient worthies, our faith will sustain us, and our hope will guide us through the darkest of times.

Remember, it is not enough to simply or read about these examples from the past. We are called to embrace them and make them our own. To pursue the path of the ancient worthies is to walk hand in hand with heroes of faith, each step us closer to the ultimate destination – heaven.

So, let us rise, O my soul! Lift your spirit and set your sights on the path that has been laid before us. Embrace the faith, hope, and mighty deeds of those who have walked with God. Let their stories inspire you to persevere, trust, and lean on His almighty power and grace.

In closing, let us say a prayer:

Dear Lord, thank you for providing us with the examples of the ancient worthies. Help us to their lessons, to follow in their footsteps, and to pursue the path that leads to heaven. Give us the strength, faith, and hope we need to overcome every obstacle we encounter. May we never forget the power of Your sacrifice and the crown of life that awaits us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

So, dear friends, let us rise and pursue the path of the ancient worthies. Let us keep their faith, hope, and mighty deeds alive in our hearts and minds. In doing so, we honor the legacy they have left behind and pave the way for future generations to follow.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embark on a journey of faith and inspiration as you rise, O my soul, and pursue the path of the ancient worthies who walked with God. Follow their examples and embrace their faith, hope, and mighty deeds for a blessed road to heaven.


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