Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and protection in the hymn "Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul" when life gets tough. Seek refuge in the unyielding strength of the rock of ages.

Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“Rock Of Ages Hide My ” is a that speaks to the universal for shelter and protection during challenging times. It reminds us that in the face of life’s storms, there is a rock that can offer solace and strength. Whether it be a higher power or the support of loved ones, we can find refuge in something greater than ourselves.


Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Rock of ages, hide my soul,
Keep me while the billows roll;
When the threat’ning waves I see,
Let me ever hide in Thee.

Hide me, blessed Rock of ages,
Hide my soul in Thee.
Safely in that Rock I hide,
While it breaks the rolling tide:
He whose pow’r controls the deep,
Stands my soul to keep.


Rock of ages stands today,
Like a monarch in the fray;
Tested by the greatest storm,
Yet unshaken is its form.


Meaning of Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul

Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul: Finding Shelter in Times of Trouble

Life is full of ups and downs, like waves crashing against the shore. In these moments of turmoil and uncertainty, we often seek solace and protection. We long for a safe haven where we can find refuge from the storms that surround us. This hymn, titled “Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul,” beautifully captures this desire for security and offers a comforting message: there is a place where we can hide, a rock that will shelter us from all harm.

As we delve deeper into the meaning behind these words, we can’t help but reflect on our own lives. We have all faced challenging times when it feels like the world is against us. It is during these moments that we long for something, someone, that can provide us with solace and strength. The hymn describes this longing by speaking of the billows, the threatening waves that we face. These waves may symbolize the trials and tribulations we encounter in life, the overwhelming circumstances that leave us feeling powerless.

Yet, in the midst of these stormy seas, the hymn offers a solution – to hide our in the rock of ages. It is a powerful metaphor that evokes a sense of safety and security. Just as waves crash against a solid rock, our troubles and worries can be absorbed by this timeless refuge. When we find ourselves facing the daunting waves of life, we can turn to this rock, this blessed rock of ages, and find shelter for our souls.

The refrain of the hymn, “Hide me, blessed Rock of ages, hide my soul in thee,” reinforces this idea of seeking refuge. It is a plea for protection, a plea for the rock to surround us in its unyielding strength. The words emphasize our need for something bigger than ourselves, something that can calm the raging storms within us.

But who or what is this rock of ages? The hymn suggests that it is a power that controls the deep. In envisioning the mighty ocean, we realize its vastness and the insignificance of our own strength in comparison. It is this power, this divine force, that can keep our helpless souls from being overwhelmed. This rock is an , grounding us and preventing us from drifting away.

Through the verse “Safely in that Rock I hide, while it breaks the rolling tide,” we gain a sense of reassurance. Even as the waves continue to crash around us, we can find solace within this refuge. This rock remains unshaken, no matter how fierce the storm. It is a testament to its strength and endurance, a constant source of protection for all who seek it.

The hymn also emphasizes the timeless nature of the rock of ages. It has stood today, just as it has stood throughout history, like a monarch in the fray. It has endured tests and trials, facing the greatest storms without faltering. This imagery showcases the qualities of this refuge. It is not a temporary solution but a lasting sanctuary that will always be there for us.

In a world full of uncertainty and adversity, this message of finding shelter in the rock of ages resonates deeply. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a source of strength we can rely on. It encourages us to turn to this rock, to seek solace and protection when the waves of life threaten to engulf us.

As we reflect on the meaning of this hymn, it is essential to remember that the rock of ages can take many forms in our lives. For some, it may be a spiritual , a higher power that offers guidance and comfort. For others, it may be the support of loved ones, the unwavering presence of those who stand by us in difficult times. It is important to recognize that we all have our own rock of ages, a source of strength and refuge that is unique to us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul” is a timeless reminder of the need for shelter and protection in the face of life’s challenges. It carries a message of hope and resilience, urging us to seek solace in something greater than ourselves. Whether we find refuge in a higher power, the support of loved ones, or a combination of both, it is crucial to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Just as the rock of ages stands unshaken in the storm, we too can find strength in the midst of turmoil. So let us embrace the message of this hymn, and with faith and courage, find shelter in the rock of ages.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and protection in the hymn Rock Of Ages Hide My Soul when life gets tough. Seek refuge in the unyielding strength of the rock of ages.


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