Saved And Kept By Jesus – Hymn Lyric
In “Saved And Kept By Jesus,” we are reminded of the love and protection that Jesus offers to cleanse our souls and keep us safe. Through His grace and power, we are saved from temptation and guided on the right path. Trusting in Jesus brings light to our lives and fills our hearts with peace, leading us to a life of hope and love in His eternal care. Saved and kept by Jesus what a blessing indeed!
Table of Contents
Saved And Kept By Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Saved and kept by Jesus, He will cleanse the soul
In the streams of healing that so freely roll;
Kept by His own Spirit, kept thro’ faith alone,
Looking unto Calv’ry, looking to the throne.
Saved, saved, by His precious blood,
Kept, kept, by His mighty pow’r,
Saviour, be our portion, hiding-place, and pow’r,
Ever save and keep us till the crowning hour.
Saved and kept by Jesus, saved from day to day
From the foes that tempt us from the King’s highway;
Kept from open dangers, kept from hidden snares,
Kept amid life’s pleasures, kept amid its cares. [Refrain]
Saved and kept by Jesus, by His grace divine;
Seeing in the darkness, heav’nly sunbeams shine;
Hearing thro’ the tumult, sweetest strains of love,
Ever-living echoes of the song above. [Refrain]
Saved and kept by Jesus, what a life is this!
Who would, unbelieving, such a blessing miss?
O to trust entirely to His saving might,
Yielding to His guidance, walking in His light! [Refrain]
Meaning of Saved And Kept By Jesus
Have you ever felt like you needed someone to save and keep you safe? Well, that someone is Jesus! He is always there for us, ready to cleanse our souls and protect us from harm. Just like a stream of healing water, His love flows freely to wash away our worries and fears.
When we put our faith in Jesus, we are saved by His precious blood and kept by His mighty power. He is our Savior, our hiding place, and our strength. He is always with us, guiding us through each day until the very end.
Jesus saves us from the temptations and dangers that try to lead us astray. He keeps us on the right path, away from hidden snares and distractions. Even in the midst of life’s ups and downs, He is there to protect us and keep us safe.
Through His grace, Jesus shines a light in the darkness of our lives. He fills our hearts with the sweetest love and peace, no matter what trials we may face. His presence is like a song that never ends, lifting our spirits and reminding us of the joy awaiting us in heaven.
Life with Jesus is truly a blessing that we should never take for granted. Why would anyone want to miss out on such an amazing gift? When we trust in Him completely, we can experience His saving power in our lives every single day. By following His guidance and walking in His light, we can live a life filled with hope, love, and peace.
So, let’s rejoice in the fact that we are saved and kept by Jesus! Let’s lean on Him in times of trouble, knowing that He will always be there to protect and guide us. As we continue to trust in His love and grace, we can rest assured that He will lead us safely to the crowning hour of our eternal salvation. Saved and kept by Jesus what a wonderful life indeed!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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