Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well – Hymn Lyric
Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well: A Song of Praise and Adoration In a world filled with chaos, uncertainty, and need for constant love and salvation, the hymn reminds us to sing with all our hearts to the beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. Through joyous praise, we express our deep love, gratitude, and devotion towards Him. Let us share His blessings, teachings, and love with the world, never growing weary in our adoration for the glorious Savior we love so well.
Table of Contents
Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well – Hymn Lyric
Verse 1:
Sing again to the Saviour we love so well,
From our innermost hearts let our glad praise swell;
Sing His name, blessed name, in an anthem grand,
Till its music shall ring over ev’ry land.
He is the Saviour we love,
Praised by the angels is He.
Bending before Him they laud and adore Him,
The man of Galilee.
Verse 2:
Unto the nations afar,
Tidings of gladness go tell;
Never grow weary of praising the Saviour,
The Saviour we love so well.
Verse 3:
Sing of blessings that fall from His wounded hands!
Of His wonderful words, of His blest commands;
Of the grace that He gives to the weakest one,
Of the rest that awaits when the race is run.
Verse 4:
Sing oh, sing till the world shall repeat the song,
And with gladness the praise of the Lord prolong;
Till all nations together in Him shall dwell;
Praise the glorious Saviour we love so well.
Meaning of Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well
Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well: A Song of Praise and Adoration
In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, there is one constant source of love and salvation our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the immense joy and gratitude we feel towards Him. Let us delve into the verses of this beautiful hymn and explore the reasons why we sing with all our hearts to the Savior we love so well.
The first verse of the hymn calls us to sing once again to our Savior, expressing our deep love and devotion towards Him. Our hearts overflow with gladness as we reflect upon the countless blessings He bestows upon us each day. From the depths of our souls, we raise our voices in an anthem of praise, honoring His blessed name. The melody resounds, echoing across the vast expanse of the earth, as we proclaim our love and adoration for Jesus Christ.
The refrain further emphasizes the exalted status of our Savior. Praised by the very angels in heaven, He is worthy of all honor and glory. Even the celestial beings, who stand before the throne of God, bend their knees and bow before Him in awe and reverence. As we join in this celestial chorus of praise, we feel immense gratitude for the opportunity to worship and serve such a remarkable Savior.
In the second verse, the hymn highlights the bountiful blessings that flow from His wounded hands. It is a vivid reminder of the sacrifice He made on the cross for our sins. His love is so immense that He willingly endured unimaginable pain and suffering on our behalf. Through His sacrifice, Jesus offers us redemption, forgiveness, and a chance to partake in the abundant life He has prepared for us.
Not only did Jesus offer His life for our salvation, but He also left us with His divine teachings and commandments. The hymn describes His wonderful words and blessed commands, which guide and lead us on the right path. In following His teachings, we find true fulfillment and purpose in our lives. Even the weakest among us can find strength and solace in His grace, knowing that His love encompasses all.
As we journey through life, facing its trials and tribulations, we find comfort in the promise of rest that Jesus offers. The hymn reminds us that when the race is run, when our earthly journey comes to an end, there is a rest awaiting us in His loving arms. It is a rest from the weariness of this world, a rest filled with peace, joy, and eternal bliss. This reassurance gives us the strength to persevere, knowing that our ultimate destination is in the presence of our beloved Savior.
The hymn urges us to sing until the entire world resounds with the glorious song of praise to our Savior. As we unite our voices in adoration, let us not grow weary or faint-hearted. Rather, let us share the good news, the tidings of gladness, with nations afar. Every corner of the earth deserves to know the love and salvation that Jesus brings. By spreading His message, we contribute to the divine plan of gathering all nations and peoples into the loving embrace of our Savior.
In conclusion, Sing Again To The Savior We Love So Well is a hymn that encapsulates the depth of our love and gratitude towards Jesus Christ. It reminds us to use our voices to lift His name high, to sing of His blessings and teachings, and to share His love with others. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to never grow weary in our praise. As we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, may our song of adoration echo throughout the world, drawing all nations together in Him. Let us cherish and celebrate the glorious Savior we love so well.
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