Singing Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Singing of Jesus: Find joy & comfort in His love. This heartfelt hymn expresses boundless affection for Jesus

Singing Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Singing of Jesus” is a heartfelt that expresses , adoration, and for our . Through singing His praises, we are reminded of His goodness, mercy, and the joy found in His love. This hymn highlights the comforting and guiding presence of Jesus in our lives, inspiring us to always sing of Him and share His wonderful love with the .


Singing Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

O I am singing of Jesus, happy as mortal can be;
How can I help but adore Him, He is so gracious to me:
Holding me up when I falter, giving me from His throne,
Cheering me on with His counsel, keeping my hand in His own?

O I am singing of Jesus, praising Him all the day long,
Singing His infinite mercy, telling His goodness in .
O I am singing of Jesus, singing His wonderful love;
Singing of rest for the weary, rest in His kingdom above.

O I am singing of Jesus, songs He delighteth to hear;
Singing, believing, obeying, waiting till He shall appear.
Singing, believing, obeying, this is my constant employ;
He is my Strength and Redeemer, He is my Comfort and Joy.


Meaning of Singing Of Jesus

Singing Of Jesus: Finding Joy and Comfort in His Love

There is something truly special about singing of Jesus. It fills our hearts with joy, uplifts our spirits, and brings us closer to Him. As we sing His praises, we are reminded of His infinite mercy and goodness. In this hymn, the author beautifully expresses their love and adoration for Jesus, describing Him as gracious, guiding, and comforting.

The first verse of the hymn emphasizes the author’s deep affection for Jesus and their unbounded happiness in His presence. They sing of how Jesus holds them up when they falter, providing strength and support. This image shows Jesus as a loving and caring companion, never letting them stumble alone. The mention of “light from His throne” suggests that Jesus illuminates their , guiding them in the right direction.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights the role of Jesus as a counselor, cheering the author on with His wise advice. This image portrays Jesus not only as a source of guidance but also as a constant friend, always to lend a helping hand. The phrase “keeping my hand in His own” serves as a reminder that Jesus is always there, holding us close and protecting us.

In the second verse, the author continues to sing of Jesus, praising Him throughout the day and proclaiming His infinite mercy. Their song carries with it a sense of gratitude and amazement at the boundless love that Jesus bestows upon them. This reminder of His mercy encourages us to reflect on the countless ways Jesus has shown His love in our own lives.

The hymn also speaks of finding rest in Jesus’ kingdom above. This idea of finding rest in Him stands as a comforting promise, especially for the weary souls among us. In a world filled with challenges and trials, the assurance of a peaceful haven in Jesus’ kingdom brings hope and solace. It reminds us that there is an eternal resting place available for all who believe in Him.

As the hymn reaches its conclusion, it emphasizes the importance of singing, believing, and obeying in our relationship with Jesus. The repetition of these actions serves as a reminder of our constant duty and devotion to Him. Singing of Jesus, believing in Him, and obeying His teachings should be our continuous endeavor, for it is through these actions that we strengthen our bond with Him.

The final lines of the hymn declare Jesus as the author’s strength, redeemer, comfort, and joy. These powerful words encapsulate the essence of who Jesus is to us – a source of unwavering support, salvation, and immense joy. The hymn’s language conveys a deep sense of trust and reliance on Jesus, painting a beautiful picture of the intimate relationship we can have with Him.

In conclusion, “Singing of Jesus” is a heartfelt hymn that beautifully expresses the love, adoration, and gratitude we have for our Savior. As we sing of Him, we are reminded of His immense goodness, mercy, and the unending joy found in His love. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the comfort and strength that Jesus provides in our lives. Through singing, believing, and obeying, we can experience the constant presence of Jesus, our ever- companion, who guides us, uplifts us, and brings us ultimate joy. Let us always remember to sing of Jesus and share His wonderful love with the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Singing of Jesus: Find joy & comfort in His love. This heartfelt hymn expresses boundless affection for Jesus, praising His guidance, mercy & unwavering presence. Sing, believe, obey, and experience His constant companionship.


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