Soldiers Of King Jesus Raise The Shout Again – Hymn Lyric

Find victory in Jesus as soldiers of King Jesus raise the shout again. Sing His overcoming blood and the grace that frees us. Spread the message of victory and embrace the joy that comes from living in His presence. Trust

Soldiers Of King Jesus Raise The Shout Again – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout again! This powerful hymn reminds us of the triumph, hope, and everlasting victory we find in Jesus. It encourages us to boldly declare and live out our victory in Him, while spreading the message of His redeeming grace to the whole . Let us embrace our role as soldiers of King Jesus, forward with joy and sharing the good news of victory in Jesus.


Soldiers Of King Jesus Raise The Shout Again – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout again,
Victory in Jesus, victory!
Marching to the music of the glad refrain,
Victory in Jesus evermore.

Victory, victory, victory in Jesus!
Sing His overcoming blood, sing the grace that frees us;
Ring it out more boldly,
Song of faith and cheer,
Till the whole wide world shall hear.

O’er the pow’rs of darkness, o’er the hosts of ,
Victory in Jesus, victory!
Trusting, watching, praying, we shall surely win,
Victory in Jesus evermore. [Refrain]

Send the happy watchword all along the line,
Victory in Jesus, victory!
Let all error perish, lives the truth divine
Victory in Jesus evermore. [Refrain]

For His church and kingdom, for each trusting ,
Victory in Jesus, victory!
From the courts of heaven pæans roll,
Victory in Jesus evermore. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Soldiers Of King Jesus Raise The Shout Again

Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout again!

Oh, what a joyful hymn we have here! This hymn is filled with triumph, hope, and the everlasting victory we find in Jesus. It paints a picture of a mighty army of believers, marching forward, singing and declaring their victory in Him. So, let’s dig deeper into the words of this hymn and explore the powerful message it brings.

The hymn begins by encouraging us, Soldiers of King Jesus, to raise the shout again. Imagine being a soldier in the army of the mighty King Jesus, who fought for us and the ultimate victory over sin and death. We are not just soldiers, but we are victorious soldiers! The words “victory in Jesus, victory” echo throughout the hymn, reminding us of the triumph we have in Him.

As we march to the music of the glad refrain, we are reminded of the joy and celebration that should accompany our walk with Jesus. We are not called to a life of misery and defeat, but rather one of victory and genuine happiness. This hymn invites us to embrace the joy that comes from living in the presence of the Lord.

The refrain exclaims, “Victory, victory, victory in Jesus! Sing His overcoming blood, sing the grace that frees us.” This powerful declaration emphasizes the source of our victory – the blood of Jesus and the grace that sets us free. It’s not through our own strength or righteousness that we obtain victory, but it is through His sacrifice and love for us. Let us boldly sing of this truth, sharing the good news of ‘s redeeming grace with the whole world.

The hymn continues by encouraging us to trust, watch, and . It reminds us that victory is not a one-time event but a continuous . As we trust in Jesus, watch out for temptation and the schemes of the enemy, and fervently pray, we can be confident that we will surely win. Victory in Jesus is not a fleeting moment but a lifelong commitment to walk in His ways and rely on His strength.

We are called to send the happy watchword all along the line. This means spreading the message of victory in Jesus to everyone we encounter. It’s not a secret meant to be kept to ourselves but a truth that should be boldly shared. As we do so, we can hope for all error to perish and the truth divine to prevail. Imagine a world where everyone knows the victory they can have in Jesus! It’s a beautiful vision we can strive towards.

This hymn also reminds us that victory in Jesus is not just for ourselves, but also for His church and kingdom. Our victory over sin and darkness impacts the world around us. As we grow in faith and celebrate our victory, others are drawn to the goodness of God. We become ambassadors of His kingdom, spreading His love, grace, and victory to each trusting soul we encounter.

In the heavenly courts, joyful paeans roll. Paeans are songs of triumph and praise. Can you imagine the sound of joy and victory echoing through the heavens? As we march on with our fellow soldiers of King Jesus, the heavenly hosts sing and rejoice with us. It’s a beautiful image of the unity and celebration that comes from joining the victorious army of believers.

So, my dear friends, let us raise the shout again! Let us declare our victory in Jesus with passion and conviction. Let us live out this truth in our lives and boldly share it with the world. Victory in Jesus is not just a catchy phrase, but a life-transforming reality that has the power to change hearts and bring hope. May the whole wide world hear and rejoice in the victory we have in our King Jesus!

In conclusion, this hymn encapsulates the victorious spirit and joy that we find in Jesus. It invites us to embrace our role as soldiers of King Jesus, marching forward in triumph, and proclaiming our victory in Him. It encourages us to trust, watch, and pray as we navigate this journey of faith. It inspires us to share the good news of victory in Jesus with others, and envision a world where all error perishes, and the truth divine prevails. Let us sing this hymn with enthusiasm, knowing that victory in Jesus is not just a distant dream, but a present reality that we can experience every day.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and . Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find victory in Jesus as soldiers of King Jesus raise the shout again. Sing His overcoming blood and the grace that frees us. Spread the message of victory and embrace the joy that comes from living in His presence. Trust, watch, and pray for continuous victory. Let all error perish and the truth divine prevail, impacting His church, kingdom, and each trusting soul. Rejoice in the unity and celebration of the heavenly courts. Declare and share the victory we have in our King Jesus with the whole wide world.


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