Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army – Hymn Lyric

Join the Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army in defending God's holy day. Stand strong against sin and temptation

Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army – Hymn Lyric

Of The Sunday School Army” is a hymn that inspires and guides members of the Sunday school army to protect ‘s holy day with unwavering loyalty. By adorning ourselves with the armor of and knowledge, and wielding God’s word as our trusted sword, we can over and keep the Sabbath pure. As soldiers in this mighty army, we proudly proclaim our commitment to defend and honor God’s Holy Day.


Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers of th’ Sunday-school army,
Stand equipped in bright array!
God is calling forth the loyal
To protect his holy day.

Show your weapons boldly, soldiers,
Make God’s word your trusted sword;
While he trumpets, “keep my Sabbaths!”
Shout ye all, “We will, dear !”

Soldiers of th’ Sunday-school army,
See the ranks of sin draw near,
Striving to annul God’s precepts,
And destroy his day, so dear!

Show your weapons boldly, soldiers,
Make God’s word your trusted sword;
While he trumpets, “keep my Sabbaths!”
Shout ye all, “We will, dear Lord!”

Soldiers of th’ Sunday-school army,
Rear ye not the foe’s alarm;
Though a host encamp against you,
You may shield God’s day from harm.

Show your weapons boldly, soldiers,
Make God’s word your trusted sword;
While he trumpets, “keep my Sabbaths!”
Shout ye all, “We will, dear Lord!”

Soldiers of th’ Sunday-school army,
Rouse ye in this time of need;
Hold aloft your Lord’s commandments,
Keep his day in truth and deed.

Show your weapons boldly, soldiers,
Make God’s word your trusted sword;
While he trumpets, “keep my Sabbaths!”
Shout ye all, “We will, dear Lord!”


Meaning of Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army

Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army: Defending God’s Holy Day

In a world where temptation and sin surround us, it is important to stand strong in our faith and protect the sacred values and principles that God has bestowed upon us. Like soldiers in a mighty army, the members of the Sunday school are called upon to defend God’s holy day with unwavering loyalty and dedication. In this hymn titled “Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army,” we find inspiration and guidance on how we can uphold God’s word and keep His Sabbaths pure.

The first verse of the hymn rallies us, the soldiers, to stand equipped in bright array. Just as a soldier wears armor to protect themselves in battle, we must adorn ourselves with the armor of faith and knowledge in order to face the challenges that may come our way. God calls forth the loyal soldiers of the Sunday school army, urging us to protect His holy day from those who wish to annul His precepts and destroy the significance of this precious day.

As the chorus resounds, we are encouraged to show our weapons boldly, with God’s word as our trusted sword. The Bible is our ultimate source of strength and guidance, providing us with the tools we need to defend and honor God’s day. With His divine teachings in hand, we can proudly proclaim our commitment to keeping the Sabbath holy. Amidst the trumpets that announce God’s command, we boldly shout, “We will, dear Lord!”

The second verse of the hymn reminds us of the adversaries we may encounter on our journey to protect God’s day. The ranks of sin draw near, striving to undermine and disregard God’s precepts. However, we are called upon not to be alarmed by the foe’s presence. Like a formidable army, we have the power to withstand any host that may encamp against us. With God’s and wisdom, we can shield His day from harm and secure its sanctity.

In times of need, as the third verse declares, we must rally ourselves and rouse to action. Holding aloft our Lord’s commandments, we must continue to honor His day in truth and deed. The Sunday school army represents an unwavering commitment to living out God’s teachings, even in the face of adversity. By doing so, we demonstrate our love and devotion to the Almighty, safeguarding the significance of His day.

The hymn concludes with the resounding chorus, reminding us of our role as soldiers in the Sunday school army. It is through our unity, fortitude, and unwavering dedication that we can fulfill our mission. By standing firm in our faith, we can be a beacon of in a world filled with and despair. Together, we reaffirm our commitment to the cause, proclaiming that we will proudly defend and protect God’s Holy Day.

In conclusion, the hymn “Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army” serves as an anthem for all members of the Sunday school community. It calls upon us to embrace our role as soldiers and defenders of God’s holy day. By equipping ourselves with God’s word and living out His commandments, we have the power to triumph over the forces that seek to diminish the significance of this sacred time. Let us take up the call with boldness and dedication, as we proudly proclaim, “We will, dear Lord!” together as soldiers of the Sunday school army.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the Soldiers Of The Sunday School Army in defending God's holy day. Stand strong against sin and temptation, armed with faith and God's word. Proclaim your commitment to keeping the Sabbath.


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