Soul On Sins Wild Ocean – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and salvation amidst sin's wild ocean. Discover the urgency to steer for home and embrace the loving voice of Jesus

Soul On Sins Wild Ocean – Hymn Lyric

“Soul On Sin’s Wild : Steer for Home to Find Salvation” is a hymn that reminds us of the dangers of drifting towards doom in sin’s treacherous ocean. It calls us to question the allure of temporary pleasures and prioritize the safety of our souls. With the warning light glowing and loving voices bidding us to come, we must make the decision to change our course and steer towards the homeward shore of redemption.


Soul On Sins Wild Ocean – Hymn Lyric

Soul, on sin’s wild ocean going
Swiftly to your doom,
See, the warning light is glowing
Clearly through the gloom!

Steer for home! Steer for home!
Drift no more, O drift;
Loving voices bid thee come;
Steer for the homeward shore!

Why, for but a sinful leisure,
Miss the happy goal?
Why, for but an earthly pleasure,
Lose thy precious soul?


Sure destruction is before thee,
Rock and swamping wave!
Soon the breakers will be o’er thee,
Then no hand can save.


Brother, see, the night is falling!
Haste, to safety come!
Jesus pleadingly is calling:
Steer, O steer for home!


Meaning of Soul On Sins Wild Ocean

Soul On Sin’s Wild Ocean: Steer for Home to Find Salvation

In the vast depths of sin’s wild ocean, our souls find themselves drifting swiftly towards a perilous doom. Yet, amidst the darkness and despair, a warning light begins to glow, piercing through the gloom. It is a beacon of hope, urging us to change our course and steer towards the safety of home.

The hymn invites us to reflect upon why we would willingly choose a temporary sinful leisure over the blissful destination that awaits us. It questions the logic behind prioritizing earthly pleasures that as temporary as they are, could cause us to lose our precious souls.

As our souls sail deeper into sin’s treacherous waters, the hymn reminds us of the imminent destruction that lies before us. Our ships are at risk of crashing against the unforgiving rocks and being swallowed by the merciless waves. It serves as a solemn reminder that once we find ourselves amidst the breakers, no hand can save us from our impending doom.

But amidst this dire situation, there is still a glimmer of hope. The hymn calls upon us, not as individuals, but as brothers and sisters in this journey, to look around and witness the nightfall. It is a call to action, urging us to quickly and seek safety. Jesus, our Savior, pleads with us to steer for home, to guide our ships towards the homeward shore.

“Steer for home! Steer for home! Drift, O drift no more; Loving voices bid thee come; Steer for the homeward shore!” The refrain repeats, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the loving voices that beckon us to return. These voices belong to our fellow believers who have already found solace and salvation in the embrace of their heavenly home.

The hymn speaks to our hearts, urging us to make a conscious decision to change our course. It asks us to consider the temporary nature of earthly pleasures and the everlasting consequences they may have on our souls. It reminds us that while we may enjoy fleeting moments of pleasure, the pursuit of sin will ultimately lead us to a of despair.

In just a few stanzas, the hymn provides us with a powerful message of redemption and salvation. It reminds us that our choices have consequences, but we still have an opportunity to change our fate. The warning light is still shining, offering and hope for those who are to listen.

Our souls are like ships navigating through the tumultuous ocean of sin. And just as a ship needs a captain to steer it towards safe harbor, our souls need Jesus as our guiding light to lead us home. His loving voice calls out to us, inviting us to change our course and find safety in His embrace.

As we navigate the complexities of , it is crucial to remember that our actions have repercussions. The hymn encourages us to reflect upon our choices and to prioritize the well-being of our souls. It reminds us that even in the face of darkness and temptation, there is always a chance for redemption.

So, let us heed the call of the hymn and steer for home. Let us anchor our souls in the and of Jesus Christ. For in doing so, we can find solace, peace, and salvation in the homeward shore. The hymn implores us to resist the allure of sin and embrace the eternal joy that awaits us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Soul On Sin’s Wild Ocean” urges us to reflect upon the choices we make and the impact they have on our souls. It serves as a solemn reminder that the pursuit of earthly pleasures can lead us astray and jeopardize our eternal destiny. However, it also speaks of hope and redemption, reminding us that it is never too late to change our course and find safety in the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. So, let us heed the call and steer for home, towards the homeward shore where salvation awaits.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and salvation amidst sin's wild ocean. Discover the urgency to steer for home and embrace the loving voice of Jesus, guiding us towards safety and eternal bliss.


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