Struggle – Hymn Lyric

Struggle: Embracing Life's Challenges for Growth & Victory. Confronting personal & societal challenges head-on with God's guidance. a 12th grader

Struggle – Hymn Lyric

TITLE: Struggle: Embracing Life’s Challenges and Finding Victory Life is a constant struggle filled with obstacles and challenges that test our strength and resilience. The “Struggle” encourages us to confront and overcome these challenges, reminding us that through them we can grow, learn, and find victory. By embracing our personal struggles, taking responsibility for the betterment of society, and seeking from a higher power, we can navigate life’s with purpose and find true fulfillment.


Struggle – Hymn Lyric

There’s a strife we all must wage,
From life’s entrance to its close;
Blest the bold who dare engage!
Woe for him who seeks repose!

Honored they who firmly ,
While the conflict presses round;
God’s own banner in their ,
In his service faithful found.

What our foes? Each thought impure
Passions fierce, that tear the soul;
Every ill that we can cure;
Every crime we can control;

Every suffering which our hand
Can with soothing care assuage;
Every evil of our land;
Every error of our age.

On, then, to the glorious field!
He who dies his life shall save;
God himself shall be our shield,
He shall bless and crown the brave.


Meaning of Struggle

Struggle: Embracing Life’s Challenges and Finding Victory

In life, we are all faced with a constant struggle. From the moment we come into this world, we encounter obstacles and challenges that test our strength and resilience. It is through these struggles that we grow, learn, and ultimately find victory. The hymn “Struggle” beautifully captures the essence of this lifelong battle we must wage.

The verse reminds us that those who dare to take on the challenges life presents are truly . It is easy to fall into a false sense of comfort and seek repose, avoiding the difficulties that come our way. However, true honor lies in firm in the face of conflict. This does not mean that we should go looking for trouble, but rather that we should be willing to confront and overcome the obstacles that come our way.

But what are these foes that we must face? The hymn lists them as impure thoughts, fierce passions, and the many ills and suffering that plague our world. These foes represent the internal struggles we battle within ourselves, as well as the external challenges that surround us. The hymn encourages us to take a proactive approach in dealing with these challenges. It reminds us that we have the power to control our thoughts and emotions and offers hope that we can alleviate suffering and about positive change.

It is essential to recognize that the struggle is not limited to our personal lives. The hymn acknowledges that we also have a responsibility to address the evils and errors present in our society. While the problems of the world may seem overwhelming, the hymn reminds us that our actions, no matter how small, can make a difference. By extending a helping hand to those in need, by standing up against injustice, and by challenging the misconceptions of our age, we become agents of change and contribute to the betterment of society.

The hymn calls us to the “glorious field,” a metaphorical representation of embracing the challenges that come our way. It encourages us not to shy away from life’s struggles but to face them head-on. The notion that he who dies his life shall save serves as a powerful reminder that by taking risks and stepping outside our comfort zones, we can truly live a purposeful and meaningful life. It is through our struggles and sacrifices that we find our true selves and discover what we are capable of achieving.

Throughout this journey, we are not alone. The hymn assures us that God himself is our shield. In times of uncertainty and fear, we can turn to a higher power for strength and guidance. that our struggles are not in vain, but rather a part of a plan, can bring comfort and solace. By aligning our actions with God’s will and remaining faithful in his service, we can find the courage to face any challenge that comes our way.

In conclusion, the hymn “Struggle” is a powerful reminder of the inherent hardships we face in life and the importance of confronting and overcoming them. It encourages us to embrace these challenges with boldness and resolve, knowing that through them, we will grow and find victory. By addressing our personal struggles, taking responsibility for the betterment of society, and seeking guidance from a higher power, we can navigate life’s journey with purpose and find true fulfillment. So let us heed the call, enter the glorious field, and emerge as brave warriors, knowing that God himself will guide, bless, and crown the faithful.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Struggle: Embracing Life's Challenges for Growth & Victory. Confronting personal & societal challenges head-on with God's guidance. a 12th grader


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