Tag Archives: eternal

We Are Drifting Towards The Waters – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey of hope and joy as we navigate life's waters towards a destination of peace. Leave sorrows behind as you drift towards a brighter future guided by the Savior. Discover the meaning and practical lessons of this hymn that leads to the soul's bright land.

Embark on a journey of hope and joy as we navigate life’s waters towards a destination of peace. Leave sorrows behind as you drift towards a brighter future guided by the Savior. Discover the meaning and practical lessons of this hymn that leads to the soul’s bright land.

Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully – Hymn Lyric

Experience the boundless love of Jesus in the hymn "Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully." Give yourself to God today and embrace eternal life with Him. Don't wait

Experience the boundless love of Jesus in the hymn “Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully.” Give yourself to God today and embrace eternal life with Him. Don’t wait, prioritize your relationship with Him now. “Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully” hymn emphasizes the urgency of dedicating ourselves to God.

Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of Jesus' presence forever in the beautiful city eternal. Sing the hymn "Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below" and be reminded of the rapture and love that awaits us. Keep your faith strong and look towards the glorious goal of being at home in the city eternal with your Savior

Experience the joy of Jesus’ presence forever in the beautiful city eternal. Sing the hymn “Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below” and be reminded of the rapture and love that awaits us. Keep your faith strong and look towards the glorious goal of being at home in the city eternal with your Savior, Jesus Christ.

Rise Rise My Soul And Leave The Ground – Hymn Lyric


“Rise, rise, my soul and leave the ground! A hymn of eternal praise to our everlasting God. Let us join together in harmony to honor His boundless years and unchanging nature. Rise and lift your spirit high with gratitude and adoration. Worship the One who reigns above all.