Tag Archives: Living a Faithful Life

There Is No King But Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful message of the hymn "There Is No King But Jesus." Learn about [...]

One Day When Jesus Had Healed The Sick and Raised The Dead – Hymn Lyric

Experience the miraculous healing power of Jesus in the story of a woman who found [...]

Theres A Peace In Serving Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience deep peace and joy by serving Jesus. Find comfort, strength, and rest in His [...]

Blest Martha Love And Joy Expressed – Hymn Lyric

Experience the timeless tale of Martha and Mary's love for the Lord. Learn the importance [...]

I Love The Lord Who Died For Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible love of the Lord who died for us in this inspiring hymn. [...]

If The Love Of Jesus Fills Your Soul With Light – Hymn Lyric

Let the love of Jesus shine through you and drive away the shadows. Spread joy [...]

Where Jesus Goes Ill Gladly Follow – Hymn Lyric

Follow Jesus confidently through good times and bad. Trust His guidance through difficult paths. He [...]

I Have Given Up All For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of serving others and find light in truth. Journey through life with [...]

Do You Feel The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus in the beautiful hymn "Do You Feel The Love [...]

The Dear Old Story Of A Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the sweet message of The Dear Old Story Of A Savior's Love, filled with [...]

Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart – Hymn Lyric

Experience a fresh start and new beginning by inviting Jesus into your heart. Find peace, [...]

I Love The Holy Bible Because Therein I See – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of the Holy Bible's message of love and salvation. Let its words [...]

O Jesus Our Shepherd How Sweet Is Thy Voice – Hymn Lyric

"Experience the comforting presence of Jesus, our Shepherd, guiding us with his gentle voice. Follow [...]

As Fades The Lovely Blooming Flower – Hymn Lyric

Discover hope in life's fleeting nature with "As Fades The Lovely Blooming Flower." Embrace the [...]

Jesus Lead Us All The Way – Hymn Lyric

"Let Jesus Lead You on Your Journey to the Promised Land. Find Comfort and Guidance [...]

Hear Jesus Knocking At The Door Of Thy Heart – Hymn Lyric

Experience the divine love and grace of Jesus knocking at your heart's door. Don't miss [...]

This Day In Jesus’ Name We Meet – Hymn Lyric

Join us on this beautiful Sunday as we gather in Jesus' name to worship and [...]

O Father Of Love Unto Thee I Belong – Hymn Lyric

Dedicate your life to the Father of love with courage and trust. Find strength in [...]

O Come Unto Jesus And Trust In His Name – Hymn Lyric

Come unto Jesus and trust in His name for salvation, forgiveness, and peace. Take Him [...]

I Love To Share A Sorrow – Hymn Lyric

Spread joy by sharing sorrows and lifting others up. Embody empathy and compassion in this [...]

Blest News To Us A Child Is Born – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of Christmas with "Blest News To Us A Child Is Born." Explore [...]

Today The Savior Calls Ye Wanderers Come – Hymn Lyric

Feeling lost or unsure? Today The Savior Calls Ye Wanderers Come, guiding us to find [...]

Of The Savior And His Love To Those You Meet – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beautiful hymn "Of The Savior And His Love To Those You Meet" and [...]

Look Away To Jesus Soldier In The Fight – Hymn Lyric

Look away to Jesus, the soldier in the fight for your salvation. Find strength and [...]

Beautiful Words Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the peace and comfort of Jesus' beautiful words. Find rest and hope in His [...]

You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the life-changing power of Jesus' forgiveness and redemption. Find out how one person knows [...]

Jesus Of Nazareth Healer Of Men – Hymn Lyric

Discover the inspiring hymn about Jesus of Nazareth, the healer of men. Learn about his [...]

I Must Go When Jesus Calls Me – Hymn Lyric

Answering Jesus' Call - Spread Hope and Love Everywhere. Embrace your purpose and share the [...]

Jesus Master Whose I Am – Hymn Lyric

Belong to Jesus, our Master, and live for Him alone. Find strength in serving Him [...]

Just Tell It To Jesus When Burdens Oppress – Hymn Lyric

Feeling overwhelmed? Just tell it to Jesus when burdens oppress. He's always there to listen, [...]

We Sing A Loving Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love of Jesus in the hymn "We Sing A Loving Jesus." Reflect [...]

I Will Follow Jesus In The Narrow Way – Hymn Lyric

Follow Jesus in the narrow way, stay faithful & not stray. Learn the importance of [...]

Come To Jesus Ye Who Wander – Hymn Lyric

Find hope, peace, and rest in Jesus - Come To Jesus Ye Who Wander today. [...]

Jesus The Shepherd Is Seeking Seeking – Hymn Lyric

Discover how Jesus, the Shepherd, is seeking and calling out to guide you back to [...]

Theres A Sunny Side Where No Ills Betide – Hymn Lyric

Discover the sunny side of life where no ills betide. Embrace joy and positivity in [...]

A Hymn Of Glory Let Us Sing New Songs – Hymn Lyric

Sing a joyful hymn of glory with "A Hymn Of Glory Let Us Sing"! Join [...]

The Seven Words Spoken by the Lord Jesus on the Cross – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound messages of love, forgiveness, and grace in the seven words spoken by [...]

A Refuge In Jesus I’ve Found – Hymn Lyric

Discover the peace and comfort of finding refuge in Jesus. Trust sweetly in Him for [...]

My Fathers Love I Sing – Hymn Lyric

Discover the pure, sweet, and strong love of our Father above. Sing the universal song [...]

Proclaim The Year Of Jubilee New Songs of Glory Sing – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the Year of Jubilee with new songs of glory! Spread the message of salvation [...]

O Hear The Voice Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Answering Jesus' call to spread love and compassion worldwide. Join the mission of caring for [...]

Arise My Soul Arise – Hymn Lyric

Experience the powerful message of forgiveness and love in the hymn "Arise My Soul Arise." [...]

For Lovely Things I Hear And See – Hymn Lyric

Immerse yourself in the beauty and joy of the world with "For Lovely Things I [...]

Have You Any Room For Jesus Tell Me – Hymn Lyric

Make room for Jesus in your heart and life. Reflect on welcoming Him in all [...]

More And Better Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Do more for Jesus by spreading love and kindness. Learn how to make a difference [...]

Go Messenger Of Peace And Love – Hymn Lyric

Be a messenger of peace and love, bringing light to those in darkness. Spread kindness [...]

In The Name Of Jesus Amen – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of prayer in the name of Jesus with "In The Name Of [...]

There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The – Hymn Lyric

Spread love and hope through acts of kindness to reach perishing souls. Lift the cross [...]

We’re Volunteers For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Join us as volunteers for Jesus, marching along the King's highway with love and determination. [...]

Nineteen Hundred Million Souls – Hymn Lyric

Discover the urgency of reaching 1.9 billion souls with the gospel message. Every soul matters, [...]