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When Jesus Came To Golgotha – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound hymn "When Jesus Came to Golgotha

Discover the profound hymn “When Jesus Came to Golgotha,” reflecting on forgiveness and compassion. Explore the crucifixion scene, Jesus’ plea for forgiveness, and the need to show empathy towards others. Reflect on the timeless lessons of Jesus’ sacrifice and embrace love and kindness in our lives.

When Jesus Came To Golgotha – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound hymn "When Jesus Came to Golgotha

Discover the profound hymn “When Jesus Came to Golgotha,” reflecting on forgiveness and compassion. Explore the crucifixion scene, Jesus’ plea for forgiveness, and the need to show empathy towards others. Reflect on the timeless lessons of Jesus’ sacrifice and embrace love and kindness in our lives.