Tag Archives: sanctified

Thrice Happy Souls – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of starting each day with God and living a life filled with reverence and fear for Him. Find true happiness and fulfillment in being born from Heaven and dedicating your heart to God alone. Embrace the wisdom and guidance He offers through His Word and life's lessons. Be thricely happy souls.

Discover the joy of starting each day with God and living a life filled with reverence and fear for Him. Find true happiness and fulfillment in being born from Heaven and dedicating your heart to God alone. Embrace the wisdom and guidance He offers through His Word and life’s lessons. Be thricely happy souls.

Church Of God Beloved And Chosen – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of sanctification and holiness in the hymn "Church of God

Discover the beauty of sanctification and holiness in the hymn “Church of God, beloved and chosen.” Embrace your role as a chosen believer and learn how the Holy Trinity guides us in our journey towards holiness. Experience the transformative power of faith in Jesus and the promise of complete sanctification. Rejoice in being God’s beloved and chosen Church.