Tell The Good News Of A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

Spread Joy and Hope: Tell The Good News of a Savior's Birth. Join in celebrating the holiday season by sharing the story of Jesus' birth and the hope He brings to the world. Let your voice be heard and proclaim the good news to all.

Tell The Good News Of A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

Spread Joy and Hope This Holiday Season: Tell the Good News of a Savior’s ! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the importance of sharing the good news with others. In the hymn “Tell The Good News Of A Savior’s Birth,” we are urged to this message of hope and salvation far and wide. Let us embrace the call to be messengers of joy, shining a light in the and sharing the incredible news of Jesus’ arrival with everyone we meet.


Tell The Good News Of A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

Tell the good news of a Savior’s birth,
Tell the good news, tell the good news;
Shout the glad tidings o’er all the ,
Tell the good news today.

Tell the sweet story afar and near,
Tell of a Savior, so loving and dear,
Sing the sweet message where sinners may hear;
Tell the good news today.

Good news, good news,
Yes, shout the glad tidings o’er all the earth,
Good news, good news,
Good news of a Savior’s birth.

Sing of the Savior, re-echo his praise,
Tell the good news, tell the good news;
Songs of rejoicing triumphantly raise,
Tell the good news today.

Publish his goodness, rejoice in the Lord,
Lovingly tell of the truth in his word,
Sing of his with sweetest accord;
Tell the good news today.

Good news, good news,
Yes, shout the glad tidings o’er all the earth,
Good news, good news,
Good news of a Savior’s birth.

Tell the good news of a Savior and King,
Tell the good news, tell the good news;
Peace and goodwill to all men we sing,
Tell the good news today.

Tell how he suffered on ,
Tell of the pardon he offers so free,
Tell of his pardon for you and for me;
Tell the good news today.

Good news, good news,
Yes, shout the glad tidings o’er all the earth,
Good news, good news,
Good news of a Savior’s birth.


Meaning of Tell The Good News Of A Saviors Birth

Tell The Good News Of A Savior’s Birth: Spreading Joy and Hope to the World

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, a time when we come together to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. It is a time to rejoice and share the good news of His arrival with the world. In the hymn “Tell The Good News Of A Savior’s Birth,” the lyrics express the importance of spreading this joyous message far and wide.

The verse begins by urging us to tell the good news, to share the message of hope and salvation that Jesus brings. It reminds us that we should shout these glad tidings all over the earth, so that everyone can have the opportunity to hear and receive this incredible news. This hymn encourages us to be messengers of joy and , to proclaim the story of Jesus’ birth near and far.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of the good news. It calls us to shout it from the mountaintops, to let everyone know that something amazing has happened. This repetition of the phrase “good news” creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, encouraging us to be bold in our proclamation of the Savior’s birth.

As we enter into the first verse, we are invited to tell the sweet story of Jesus’ birth both near and far. This reminds us that the good news is meant to be shared with everyone, regardless of their proximity to us. Whether it’s our neighbor next or someone on the other side of the world, we are called to spread the message of a loving and dear Savior.

The verse also encourages us to sing the sweet message where sinners may hear. This reminds us that the good news isn’t just for those who already believe, but also for those who are lost and searching for hope. We are called to deliver this message of salvation to those who need it the most, shining a light in their darkness and guiding them towards the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers.

In the second verse, the hymn urges us to sing of the Savior and re-echo His praise. It calls us to raise songs of rejoicing triumphantly, further emphasizing the importance of expressing our joy in the Lord. This verse reminds us that our celebration of Jesus’ birth should be contagious, inspiring others to join in and share in this wonderful news.

Additionally, this verse encourages us to publish His goodness and rejoice in the Lord. Our proclamation of the good news should extend beyond just speaking it, but also living out the truth of His word in our daily lives. Through our actions and behavior, we should reflect the love and mercy of our Savior, showing others the transformative power of His grace.

As we move into the final verse, we are prompted to tell the good news of a Savior and King. This reminds us that Jesus is not only our Savior but also our King, the one who brings peace and goodwill to all men. The hymn encourages us to share this message of peace and goodwill with others, spreading hope and wherever we go.

The verse further emphasizes the importance of sharing Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary and His offer of pardon. It reminds us that the good news isn’t just about His birth but also about His ultimate act of love and redemption on the cross. We are called to share the message of forgiveness and salvation, letting others know that they too can experience the pardon and new life that Jesus offers.

In conclusion, “Tell The Good News Of A Savior’s Birth” is a hymn that reminds us of the incredible message we have to share with the world. It calls us to be messengers of joy and hope, proclaiming the story of Jesus’ birth and the salvation He offers. This hymn encourages us to let our voices be heard, to shout the glad tidings of His arrival all over the earth. So this holiday season, let us embrace the call to tell the good news of a Savior’s birth and share the joy and hope of Jesus with everyone we encounter.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread Joy and Hope: Tell The Good News of a Savior's Birth. Join in celebrating the holiday season by sharing the story of Jesus' birth and the hope He brings to the world. Let your voice be heard and proclaim the good news to all.


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