The King Of Glory Sends His Son – Hymn Lyric

Experience the awe-inspiring birth of Jesus

The King Of Glory Sends His Son – Hymn Lyric



The King Of Glory Sends His Son – Hymn Lyric

The King of Glory sends his Son
To make his entrance on this earth;
the midnight as noon,
And heav’nly hosts declare his birth!

About the young Redeemer’s head
What and what glories meet!
An unknown star arose, and led
The eastern sages to his feet.

Simeon and Anna both conspire
The infant Savior to ;
Inward they felt the sacred fire,
And blessed the Babe, and owned his name.

Let Jews and Greeks blaspheme aloud,
And treat the holy Child with scorn;
Our souls adore th’ eternal ,
Who condescended to be born.


Meaning of The King Of Glory Sends His Son

The hymn titled “The King of Glory Sends His Son” beautifully captures the miraculous event of Jesus Christ’s birth and the profound impact it had on the people who witnessed it. This hymn emphasizes the awe-inspiring nature of Christ’s arrival on Earth and the significance of his mission as the Redeemer. Let us delve deeper into the verses of this hymn to gain a better understanding of the powerful message it conveys.

The first verse of the hymn paints a vivid picture of the extraordinary scene that unfolded on that fateful night. It describes how the King of Glory, God Himself, sent His Son to enter this world. The unexpected brightness of midnight turning into noon signifies the immense radiance and divine light brought forth by the birth of Jesus. Additionally, the hymn refers to the heavenly hosts, the , who announced and celebrated the arrival of the Savior.

Moving on to the second verse, it speaks of the remarkable wonders and glories that surrounded the young Redeemer. An unknown star appeared and guided the wise men from the East to find the newborn baby Jesus. This star served as a celestial sign, those who sought the Messiah. The imagery in this verse symbolizes the creation itself acknowledging and paying homage to the birth of Jesus. It highlights the uniqueness and significance of this divine event.

The third verse introduces two individuals, Simeon and Anna, who recognized the infant Savior and proclaimed His purpose. Simeon and Anna were devout individuals who were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they immediately realized the divine nature of the child Jesus. They were moved by a deep internal understanding and felt the sacred fire that burned within them. Upon seeing Jesus, they blessed Him and acknowledged His identity as the Messiah.

In the fourth and final verse, the hymn addresses the criticism and mocking that Jesus faced from both Jews and Greeks during His time on Earth. It emphasizes that despite their blasphemy and scorn, our souls should adore the eternal God who willingly chose to be born as a humble human. This verse encourages us to rise above the opinions of others and recognize the magnitude of Jesus’s sacrifice and love for humanity.

Overall, “The King of Glory Sends His Son” is a hymn that magnifies the extraordinary circumstances surrounding Jesus’s birth, the acknowledgment of His divinity by devout individuals, and the call to adore and revere Him regardless of societal judgment. The hymn profoundly resonates with both believers and seekers of faith. It reminds us of the humility and immense love displayed by God through Jesus, who willingly descended from His heavenly to dwell among mankind.

As we reflect upon this hymn, it offers an opportunity for personal introspection and spiritual growth. We are urged to recognize and embrace the profound impact of Jesus’s birth, not just as a historical event but as a life-altering phenomenon that continues to shape our lives today. The hymn emphasizes the significance of Christ’s mission to redeem humanity, serving as a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice and love that Jesus demonstrated through His life, death, and resurrection.

In conclusion, “The King of Glory Sends His Son” encapsulates the essence of and the Christian faith. It invites us to marvel at the miraculous birth of Jesus, honor the divine purpose He fulfilled, and wholeheartedly worship the eternal God who condescended to be born as a human. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of God’s love for us and encourages us to embrace the transformative power of Jesus’s life and teachings. May we always hold dear in our hearts the significance of Jesus’s birth and the eternal impact it has on our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the awe-inspiring birth of Jesus, as The King of Glory Sends His Son to Earth. Delve into the profound impact it had on His witnesses. Discover the significance of His mission as the Redeemer.


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