The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound mystery of the divine motherhood in "The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky Adore and Magnify" hymn. Reflect on the Virgin Birth and the love God has for us as we honor and appreciate the gift of motherhood.

The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky – Hymn Lyric

“The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky Adore and Magnify” is a that explores the motherhood of Mary and the extraordinary nature of the Virgin . It reminds us of God’s immense love for humanity and calls us to praise and worship Jesus, who was born of a virgin. This hymn invites us to reflect on the beauty and power of motherhood, and to honor and appreciate the selfless acts of love that mothers demonstrate.


The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky – Hymn Lyric

The Lord whom earth and sea and sky
Adore and praise and magnify,
Who o’er their threefold fabric reigns,
The Virgin’s spotless womb contains.

And he whose will is ever done
By moon and seas, by stars and sun,
Is borne upon a maiden’s breast,
Whom God’s foreseeing grace possessed.

How blest that Mother, in whose shrine
The very Word of God divine,
The maker of the earth and sky,
Was pleased in fleshly form to lie.

Blest in the message Gabriel brought,
Blest in the work the Spirit wrought,
Blest evermore, who brought to birth
The long-Desired of all the earth.

O Jesu, Virgin-born, to thee
praise and glory be,
Whom with the Father we adore
And Spirit, evermore. Amen.


Meaning of The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky

Adore and Magnify: Exploring the Divine Motherhood

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the wondrous and ineffable nature of God, who is adored and praised by all creation. The hymn speaks of how the Lord, who reigns over everything in earth, sea, and sky, chose to be contained within the Virgin Mary’s spotless womb. This act of divine incarnation reveals the depth of God’s love for humanity.

One cannot but be in awe of the magnitude of this event. The same God who orchestrates the movements of the moon and stars, and who commands the rising and setting of the sun, humbled Himself to be carried and nurtured by a young woman. It is a testament to God’s great power that He chose such a humble and ordinary means to enter the world.

Mary, the chosen vessel of God’s grace, is repeatedly described as blessed. Her role in history is unparalleled, as she birth to the very Word of God in fleshly form. The hymn reflects on the joyous moment when the angel Gabriel delivered the divine message, and the Holy Spirit worked within Mary to forth the long-Desired Savior of all the earth.

As we reflect on the significance of the Virgin Birth, our hearts are filled with gratitude and adoration. We give eternal praise and glory to Jesus, who was born of a virgin, as we join in worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit. This triune God, who encompasses all time and space, chose to dwell among us and save us from our sins.

The hymn speaks to the profound mystery of the divine motherhood, emphasizing the unique role played by Mary. While Mary herself was a mortal woman, she was chosen by God to carry and give birth to His Son. In this act, she became a channel of God’s love and to the world.

Throughout history, the concept of the divine motherhood has held great significance in the Christian faith. Mary is revered as the Theotokos, meaning “God-bearer” or “Mother of God.” This title reflects her pivotal role as the vessel through which the divine entered our world.

The divine motherhood of Mary is an invitation for us to contemplate the beauty and power of motherhood itself. It is a reminder that God uses ordinary people and events to accomplish extraordinary things. Just as Mary was chosen to bring forth the Savior, every mother has the opportunity to nurture and guide their children in the ways of the Lord.

Mary’s example teaches us to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Just as she said “yes” to God’s plan for her, we are called to surrender ourselves to His will. Through Mary, we see the beauty of obedience and submission to God’s divine purposes.

As we sing this hymn, let us be reminded of the importance of honoring and respecting mothers. Mothers play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their children and nurturing them in love and faith. Let us celebrate and appreciate the selfless acts of love that mothers demonstrate each and every day.

In conclusion, “The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky Adore and Magnify” is a hymn that invites us to reflect on the divine motherhood of Mary. It reminds us of the extraordinary nature of the Virgin Birth and the immense love God has for us. This hymn calls us to praise and worship Jesus, who was born of a virgin, and gives eternal glory to the Triune God. May we always honor and appreciate the gift of motherhood, and may the divine example of Mary inspire us to live lives of love and obedience to God’s will.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound mystery of the divine motherhood in The Lord Whom Earth And Sea And Sky Adore and Magnify hymn. Reflect on the Virgin Birth and the love God has for us as we honor and appreciate the gift of motherhood.


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