The Vine – Hymn Lyric

Discover the essence of remaining in Christ and bearing fruit as His disciples in "The Vine" hymn. Explore the metaphor of the vine and its branches and the importance of staying connected to Him.

The Vine – Hymn Lyric



The Vine – Hymn Lyric

If you remain in Me
And My words remain in you,
Ask whatever you wish.

This is to My Father’s glory
That you bear so much fruit,
Showing yourselves to be My disciples.

I am the Vine,
You are the branches.

Remain in Me
And bear much fruit.


Meaning of The Vine

The hymn “The Vine” beautifully captures the essence of remaining in and bearing fruit as His disciples. In this verse from the hymn, Jesus speaks directly to His followers, inviting them to abide in Him and allow His words to dwell within them. He assures them that if they remain connected to Him, they can ask for whatever they need, and their desires will be fulfilled to glory to the Father.

Jesus sets the stage with a vivid metaphor, comparing Himself to a vine and His followers to branches. Just as branches are dependent on the vine for nourishment and growth, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of staying connected to Him in order to thrive and bear much fruit. The image of the vine and its branches reminds us that our strength and purpose come from our union with Christ.

Remaining in Christ is a crucial aspect of our as believers. When we of remaining in Him, we are speaking of a relationship that goes beyond a mere acknowledgement of His existence. It’s about staying connected to Him through prayer, reading His word, and in obedience to His teachings. It’s a continuous and intentional effort to abide in His love and allow His truth to permeate every aspect of our lives.

When we remain in Christ, His words have a profound effect on us. They shape our thoughts, guide our actions, and give us a clear understanding of God’s will. His words provide us with wisdom, encouragement, and correction. As we immerse ourselves in His teachings, we begin to see the through His eyes and develop a Christ-like perspective.

As disciples of Christ, we are called to bear fruit. This fruit represents the evidence of our and the outward expression of our relationship with Jesus. It includes qualities such as love, joy, , patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we remain in Christ, these characteristics become more evident in our lives, and we become a living testimony to His transformative power.

Bearing fruit is not only beneficial for our personal growth, but it also brings glory to God. Through our fruitful lives, we reflect the nature of our heavenly Father, who is the ultimate source of all good things. When others see the love, joy, and kindness displayed in our lives, they are drawn to the source of that fruitfulness – Jesus. Our fruitfulness is a testament to His work in us and serves as an invitation to others to join in the relationship with Him.

The hymn emphasizes that remaining in Christ and bearing fruit is not an individual endeavor. It is a communal journey that encompasses the entire body of Christ. As we remain connected to the true vine, we are also connected to one another. We are part of the larger family of believers, and together we can encourage, support, and spur one another on towards greater fruitfulness.

In this context, being disciples of Christ means not only individually pursuing a relationship with Him, but also welcoming others into that same relationship. We are called to make disciples of all nations, sharing the message of Christ’s love and inviting others to join us in abiding in Him. Just as branches extend from the vine, we are to extend the love and of Christ to all those around us, inviting them to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from remaining in Him.

In conclusion, “The Vine” hymn beautifully captures the essence of remaining in Christ and bearing fruit as His disciples. Through the metaphor of the vine and its branches, we understand the necessity of staying connected to Him for our nourishment and growth. Remaining in Christ involves cultivating a deep relationship with Him through prayer, studying His word, and walking in obedience. As we abide in Him, His words shape us, guide us, and enable us to bear fruit that brings glory to God. This fruit is a testament to His work in our lives and serves as an invitation for others to join us in this transformative relationship with the true vine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the essence of remaining in Christ and bearing fruit as His disciples in The Vine hymn. Explore the metaphor of the vine and its branches and the importance of staying connected to Him.


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