There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the sunny side to every path in life. Find joy

There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below – Hymn Lyric

TITLE : There Is A Sunny Side To Every Below: Finding Joy and Comfort in Life CONTENT SUMMARY: Life can often feel like a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes, it may seem as though darkness surrounds us, casting a shadow over our days. However, amidst the gloom, there is always a sunny side to every path we tread. Just like the hymn says, “Keep on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side, keep the sunny side of the road.” No matter the path we find ourselves on, there is always a sunny side awaiting us. It is up to us to keep our hearts open to joy and comfort, even when faced with hardships.


There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
There is a sunny side to ev’ry path below,
Where the birds are and the sweetest blossoms blow;
In peace and pleasure may the trusting heart abide,
Finding joy and comfort on the blessed, sunny side.

Keep on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side,
Keep the sunny side of the road;
Keep on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side,
Keep the sunny side of the road.

Verse 2:
Meet ev’ry conflict with a courage brave and strong;
Truth and right shall conquer tho’ the fight be fierce and long;
While in the battel be a soldier and a guide;
Lead the to vict’ry on the blessed, sunny side.

Verse 3:
There is a shady side where ceaseless abound;
Revelry and discord in the darkest depths are found;
There is a path of safety for the sorely tried;
Walk with Jesus daily on the blessed, sunny side.

Verse 4:
Clouds keep the silver lining tow’rds the glowing sun;
Gild your darkest trials with a that’s nobly won;
Above the let your trusting heart abide,
Faith and are on the blessed, sunny side.


Meaning of There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below

There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below: Finding Joy and Comfort in Life

Life can often feel like a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes, it may seem as though darkness surrounds us, casting a shadow over our days. However, amidst the gloom, there is always a sunny side to every path we tread. Just like the hymn says, “Keep on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side, keep the sunny side of the road.”

In this hectic world we live in, it is easy to become overwhelmed by negativity and despair. But if we choose to focus on the positive aspects of life, we will find joy and comfort even in the most challenging circumstances.

Just like the birds that their melodious tunes and the blossoms that bloom with vibrant colors, there is beauty all around us. It is up to us to open our eyes and ears to the wonders that surround us every day. It may be as simple as appreciating the warmth of the sun on our skin or as profound as witnessing acts of kindness and .

When faced with conflicts and hardships, it is crucial to approach them with courage and strength. Though the battles we face may sometimes be fierce and long, truth and right will ultimately prevail. It is during these moments that our character is tested and forged, as we become both soldiers and guides to bring victory to ourselves and others.

However, as the hymn warns, there is also a shady side in life. It is a place where sins run rampant, where revelry and discord darken our hearts. But even in the face of such darkness, there is a path of safety for those who are sorely tried. This path is illuminated by the presence of Jesus, who offers guidance and solace to all who seek it. By walking with Him daily, we can keep ourselves on the blessed, sunny side of life.

The journey through life is not without its share of storms and clouds. We all face trials and tribulations that can cast shadows over our dreams and aspirations. However, just like the silver lining in a cloud, our darkest trials can be gilded with a faith that is nobly won.

Instead of allowing ourselves to be consumed by despair, we can choose to have faith and hope. These two companions will keep our hearts trusting and our spirits strong, even in the midst of adversity. By focusing on the light that shines above the shadows, we can find solace and strength to navigate through life’s challenges.

In conclusion, no matter the path we find ourselves on, there is always a sunny side awaiting us. It is up to us to keep our hearts open to joy and comfort, even when faced with hardships. As we face the battles of life, let us be courageous and strong, knowing that truth and right will triumph. Let us also remember to walk with Jesus, finding safety and guidance on the blessed side of life. Finally, let us always hold onto faith and hope, allowing them to guide us through the darkest trials and illuminate our path towards a brighter future.

So, as we journey through life, let us remember the words of the hymn and keep on the sunny side, keeping the sunny side of the road.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the sunny side to every path in life. Find joy, comfort, and guidance amidst challenges. Keep on the sunny side and navigate through life's twists and turns with faith and hope. (159 characters)


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