Theres No Friend Like Jesus His Love Never Fails – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible friendship of Jesus

Theres No Friend Like Jesus His Love Never Fails – Hymn Lyric

“There’s No Friend Like : His Never Fails” beautifully captures the unfailing love and companionship of Jesus. Through His presence, we find solace and comfort in times of darkness and despair. His love knows no bounds and His guidance is always right. Jesus is a friend like no other – constant, unwavering, and ever-loving.


Theres No Friend Like Jesus His Love Never Fails – Hymn Lyric

There’s no friend like Jesus,
His love never fails,
He knows ev’ry need of my heart;
His banner of love in my soul now prevails,
And bids all my doubtings depart.

There’s no friend like Jesus,
So loving and precious to me;
There’s no friend like Jesus,
There’s no friend so true as He.

There’s no friend like Jesus,
to whom I can go
When weary with sorrow and care;
There’s no one like Him
my temptations can know,
None like Him my burdens to bear. [Refrain]

The storm may be round me,
the night may be long,
His love my protection will be;
I’ll trust Him and Him
with heart and with song,
Until His dear face I shall see. [Refrain]

The way He may guide me,
I may never know,
Till shall burst on my sight;
And then I shall understand
why it was so,
And know that His leading was right. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Theres No Friend Like Jesus His Love Never Fails

Theres No Friend Like Jesus: His Love Never Fails

In moments of darkness and despair, we often find solace in the arms of our loved ones. But there is one friend who surpasses them all – Jesus. He is the embodiment of love and understanding, and He never fails to be there for us when we need Him the most. His love knows no bounds and His compassion knows no limits.

The hymn “There’s no friend like Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of the special bond we share with Him. It reminds us that Jesus is not just a friend, but a true and loyal companion who will never leave us alone. His love for us is unfailing, and He knows every need of our hearts even before we express them.

Just like a banner of love, Jesus’ presence in our lives triumphs over all our doubts and fears. When we feel lost and unsure of ourselves, His reassuring love envelops our souls and gives us the courage to face life’s challenges. There’s no other friend like Jesus who can such peace and comfort in times of trouble.

When we are burdened with sorrow and overwhelmed by the cares of the world, Jesus is the one we can turn to. He understands our temptations and struggles like no one else. His empathy and compassion make Him the perfect confidant. We can pour out our hearts to Him, knowing that He will listen and understand us better than anyone else ever could.

Even when storms of life threaten to engulf us and we find ourselves in the midst of a long, dark night, Jesus’ love becomes our shield and refuge. His presence offers protection and guidance through the turbulent times. We can trust Him wholeheartedly, knowing that He will never abandon us.

As we trust in Jesus and praise Him with our hearts and songs, we eagerly await the day when we will see His dear face. In the midst of all our trials and tribulations, we have a hope that surpasses all understanding – the hope of eternal life with our . The storms of life may rage on, but the day will when we will be in His presence forever.

Sometimes, we may question the path that Jesus leads us on. We may wonder why certain events unfold the way they do. But as we grow closer to Him, we begin to understand that His leading is always right. His ways are higher than ours, and He sees the bigger picture that we often fail to grasp. In the glory of His presence, all our doubts and questions will fade , and we will understand why He led us through certain valleys.

In a world where friendships can falter and human love may disappoint, Jesus’ love remains constant and unwavering. There is truly no friend like Jesus. His love is unparalleled, His compassion endless. He is always there for us, ready to listen, comfort, and guide us through life’s ups and downs.

So let us cherish this friendship with Jesus. Let us hold on to His love, knowing that it will never fail us. Let us share His love with others, so that they too may experience the of having a friend like Jesus. In His love, we find true peace, unyielding strength, and everlasting hope. There is truly no friend so true as He.

In conclusion, “There’s no friend like Jesus: His love never fails” reminds us of the incomparable friendship we have with Jesus. Through His unfailing love and understanding, He becomes our companion in every moment of our lives. In times of sorrow and weariness, His presence brings comfort and solace. In times of darkness and doubt, His love triumphs over all fears. We can trust Him wholeheartedly, knowing that His guidance is always right. His love is constant and unwavering, surpassing all earthly friendships. In Jesus, we have found a friend like no other – a friend who truly loves us and never fails us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible friendship of Jesus, whose love never fails. Find solace, comfort, and unwavering support in His constant presence and understanding. There is truly no friend like Jesus.


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