There’s No Other Name Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and joy in the name of Jesus. This hymn celebrates the uniqueness and significance of Jesus' name

There’s No Other Name Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“There’s No Other Name Like Jesus” celebrates the unique and powerful name of Jesus, emphasizing its significance in the lives of believers. This hymn reminds us that there is no other name like Jesus, bringing joy, comfort, and hope to those who call upon it. From heaven to earth, the name of Jesus holds a special place and offers solace and assurance even in the face of mortality.


There’s No Other Name Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There’s no other name like Jesus,
‘Tis the dearest name we know.
‘Tis the angel’s joy in Heaven,
‘Tis the Christian’s joy below.

Sweet name, dear name,
There’s no other name like Jesus.
Sweet name, dear name,
There’s no other name like Jesus.

There’s no other name like Jesus,
When the heart with grief is sad.
There’s no other name like Jesus
When the heart is free and glad.

‘Tis the hope that I shall see Him
When in He appears.
‘Tis the hope to hear His welcome
That my fainting cheers.

If He wills that I should labor
In His vineyard day by day,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
all I do or say.

If he wills that death’s cold finger
Touch my feeble, mortal clay,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
Is my dying trust and stay.


Meaning of There’s No Other Name Like Jesus

There’s No Other Name Like Jesus: The Power and Joy in the Name

In this beloved hymn, we find a celebration of the name of Jesus and its significance in the lives of believers. It emphasizes that there is no other name like Jesus, and it holds a unique place in our hearts and in heaven. The name of Jesus brings joy, comfort, and hope to all who call upon it.

The hymn starts by proclaiming that there is no other name like Jesus, emphasizing its distinctiveness. It highlights the angel’s joy in heaven, indicating that even the beings find joy and reverence in the mention of Jesus’ name. This notion is fascinating because it suggests that the name of Jesus holds a special place not just on earth but also in the realms.

We then learn that the name of Jesus brings joy to Christians on earth. Whether the heart is burdened with grief or filled with gladness, calling upon the name of Jesus brings solace and happiness. This idea is powerful as it implies that Jesus is not only present during our sorrows but also shares in our joys. His name is a source of deep comfort and appreciation for believers.

Moreover, the hymn speaks of hope in the name of Jesus. It expresses the longing to see Jesus in all His glory when He appears again. This hope is rooted in the belief that Jesus will welcome us with open arms and embrace our weary . The anticipation of hearing His welcome brings immense joy and encouragement to our spirits. It reminds us that our ultimate destination is in the presence of Jesus, where he will bring us everlasting joy and happiness.

Additionally, the hymn touches on the importance of Jesus in our daily lives. It suggests that if Jesus wills us to work in His vineyard, it is well because His blessings will accompany everything we do or say. This notion highlights the idea of surrendering to Jesus’ will and relying on His guidance for every aspect of our lives. It encourages us to trust that He knows what is best for us and will lead us on the right path.

The hymn further illustrates the significance of Jesus’ name in the face of mortality. It acknowledges that death is an inevitable part of life. However, it says that even in the face of death, if Jesus is our trust and support, then it is well. This statement displays a profound faith in Jesus as the ultimate source of comfort and assurance, even in the presence of death.

In conclusion, the hymn “There’s No Other Name Like Jesus” beautifully conveys the power, joy, and significance of the name of Jesus. It emphasizes that there is no other name like Jesus, which holds a special place in heaven and in the hearts of believers. The name of Jesus brings joy in times of sorrow and gladness, instills hope for a glorious future, and encourages us to trust Him in every aspect of our lives. Even in the face of mortality, the name of Jesus provides solace and serves as our anchor of faith. Let us continue to cherish and the name of Jesus, for there is truly no other name like His.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and joy in the name of Jesus. This hymn celebrates the uniqueness and significance of Jesus' name, bringing comfort, hope, and joy to believers. Surrender to His will and trust in His guidance for a blessed life. Find solace even in the face of death, for there is truly no other name like Jesus.


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