Think Not O Soul In Bondage – Hymn Lyric

Experience Freedom: "Think Not O Soul In Bondage" - Discover the Promise of Deliverance. The Savior's grace is sufficient to break free from the chains that bind you. Embrace liberation and step over the line. His strength is made perfect in weakness.

Think Not O Soul In Bondage – Hymn Lyric

“Think Not O Soul In Bondage: The Promise of Freedom” is a hymn that speaks to the universal desire for freedom. In the midst of our struggles, the Savior offers the promise that His grace is sufficient to break the chains that bind us. We are encouraged to let go of fear and step into the freedom and fulfillment that Christ offers.


Think Not O Soul In Bondage – Hymn Lyric

Oh, you who in bondage are ,
Yet longing from chains to be free,
This promise the Savior is giving:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

My grace is sufficient for thee,
My grace is sufficient for thee,
“I that was promised of me,”
“Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.”

The tempter is trying to hold you
Away from the of men;
He knows that if Christ should enfold you
Sin never could charm you again.

My grace is sufficient for thee,
My grace is sufficient for thee,
“I know that was promised of me,”
“Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Fear not that when trials o’ertook you,
Unfaithful and weak you would prove,
For tho’ ev’ry other forsook you,
The Savior would whisper His love.

My grace is sufficient for thee,
My grace is sufficient for thee,
“I know that was promised of me,”
“Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Let fear from your spirit be driven,
His word Christ is able to keep;
The heart that to Jesus is given
No storm from his bosom can sweep.

My grace is sufficient for thee,
My grace is sufficient for thee,
“I know that was promised of me,”
“Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Yield now to your soul’s constant craving,
Be freed from your fetters today;
Still Jesus is seeking and saving;-
Step over the line, while you may.

My grace is sufficient for thee,
My grace is sufficient for thee,
“I know that was promised of me,”
“Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.”


Meaning of Think Not O Soul In Bondage

Think Not O Soul In Bondage: The Promise of Freedom

Oh, you who in bondage are living,

Yet longing from chains to be free,

This promise the Savior is giving:

“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

In this hymn, we are reminded of the universal desire for freedom. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, the longing to break free from the chains that bind us is deeply ingrained in our hearts. We yearn for a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose. And in the midst of our struggles, the Savior reaches out to us, offering a promise of deliverance: “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

The hymn highlights the relentless efforts of the tempter to hold us back from experiencing the love and grace of Christ. The temptations may in many forms – the allure of sin, the doubts and fears that grip our hearts, or the pressures of the world around us. But the Savior knows that if we allow Him to enfold us in His arms, sin will never have a hold on us again.

It can be easy to lose when trials and tribulations come our way. We may feel unfaithful and weak, convinced that we will succumb to our own shortcomings. However, this hymn reminds us that even when everyone else may us, the Savior remains faithful. His love is unwavering, His grace is sufficient. In our moments of weakness, His strength is made perfect.

Fear has a way of paralyzing us, preventing us from living the abundant life that Christ offers. But as this hymn proclaims, we need not succumb to fear. The word of Christ has the power to keep us, to shield us from the storms that threaten to overwhelm us. If we our hearts to Jesus, no storm can penetrate the peace and security found in His embrace.

The hymn encourages us to yield to the constant craving of our soul for freedom. We no longer have to be confined by the chains that hold us back. Through the love and grace of Christ, we can be freed from our burdens and find true liberation. Jesus is always seeking and saving those who are lost, to extend His hand and guide us across the line of bondage into a life of possibilities.

In conclusion, as we reflect on the powerful words of this hymn, we are reminded of the promise of freedom that is available to all. It doesn’t matter what form of bondage holds us captive – whether it is sin, fear, or doubt – the grace of Christ is more than sufficient to set us free. We must not think that we are destined to remain in bondage. Instead, we can confidently step over the line while we have the opportunity, embracing the love and deliverance that Christ offers. Let us hold on to the truth that His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and that through His grace, we can truly experience freedom in all areas of our lives. So, let us not despair, but instead, let us rejoice in the promise: “My grace is sufficient for thee.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience Freedom: Think Not O Soul In Bondage - Discover the Promise of Deliverance. The Savior's grace is sufficient to break free from the chains that bind you. Embrace liberation and step over the line. His strength is made perfect in weakness.


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