To Love Divine The Eternal Song – Hymn Lyric
“To Love Divine: The Eternal Song” invites us to embrace the everlasting love of God and join the celestial symphony. Through the melody of this eternal song, we can experience the warmth and embrace of divine love. It is a song of redemption and triumph, celebrating the ultimate act of love as the Messiah, both God and man, offers His lifeblood for our salvation.
Table of Contents
To Love Divine The Eternal Song – Hymn Lyric
To love divine, the eternal song,
Shouted around Jehovah’s throne,
Attend ye saved, ye pardoned throng,
And make the rising notes your own.
‘Tis yours to sing the eternal date
Of love divine and how it moves
To helpless man; with triumph great,
Sing loud, for God the song approves.
Hail Bethlehem! Hail the ruddy morn,
Whose rays adorn the infant God!
Messiah, of a virgin born,
A God! a man to die in blood.
For us salvation wide displays
Her ambient and refreshing wing;
Thy love, dear Savior, we will praise,
And all its peerless glories sing.
We’ll sing the garden and the tree,
Red with the blood that cries for peace;
Heaven echoes back as pleased in thee
To show its glories and its grace.
We’ll sing a note that high prevails,
Above the angels free from sin;
Who cannot taste the love that heals,
Or sweets of conscience, thus made clean.
Thy love, O Jesus, is the theme,
The song of saints shall ever tell;
And through eternity proclaim
Thy victory over sin and hell.
Meaning of To Love Divine The Eternal Song
To Love Divine: The Eternal Song
Oh, how wonderful it is to be surrounded by the eternal song of love divine! Picture yourself in the presence of Jehovah, the Almighty, as His love-filled melody resounds throughout His heavenly throne. Can you hear it? Can you feel its warmth and embrace?
In this hymn, we are invited to join the choir of the saved and pardoned throng, where we become one with the celestial symphony. The rising notes of this eternal song are not just for those who are already saved, but for all of us who seek redemption and forgiveness. It is a song that celebrates the everlasting love of God and how it reaches out to us, helpless beings, with a triumphant grace.
Let us first sing of that glorious date when divine love arrived on earth. Hail Bethlehem! Hail the ruddy morn, whose radiant rays adorned the infant God! Here, we encounter the miracle of the Messiah, born from a virgin. He is both fully God and fully human, destined to offer His lifeblood as a sacrifice for our salvation. In this moment, we witness the ultimate act of love in action.
Salvation, like the refreshing wings of an angel, spreads far and wide around us. It encompasses us with its ambient embrace, offering solace and peace in a tumultuous world. The depths of our gratitude for this love, dear Savior, knows no bounds. We will praise your love and sing of its unparalleled glories for all eternity.
Let us raise our voices and let the notes resound, singing not only of the placid garden and the tree, but of the crimson stain of blood that cries out for reconciliation and harmony. Heaven itself echoes back our hymns, pleased to witness the demonstration of God’s glorious grace. The garden and the tree become symbols of divine forgiveness and redemption, shining forth with heavenly glory.
In our song, we soar to heights above even the angels free from sin. They cannot taste the love that heals, nor experience the sweetness of a conscience made clean. It is a love exclusive to us, to humanity, to those who have been touched by the divine grace, transforming our lives forever.
O Jesus, your love is the theme that shall forever resonate in the songs of the saints. Through endless ages, we shall proclaim your victory over sin and hell. Your love has triumphed, and it continues to triumph in the hearts of all those who believe. It is a song that knows no end, for it is an eternal song, woven into the very fabric of our existence.
As we reflect upon this hymn, let us be reminded of the profound power of love divine. It is a melody that guides us towards redemption, fills our hearts with joy, and unites us with the Almighty. May we all strive to make this eternal song our own, joining in the chorus of praise and thanksgiving for the immeasurable love that surrounds us.
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