To The Fountain Of Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

Discover forgiveness and freedom in the fountain of Jesus' blood. Through simple faith

To The Fountain Of Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

“To The Fountain of Jesus’ Blood: Finding Forgiveness and Freedom in Faith” invites us to approach the cleansing power of Jesus’ sacrifice with simple faith. Through His blood, we are cleansed, saved, and freed from the chains of sin. This hymn encourages us to seek the shelter of His precious blood, share the good news of His forgiveness, and find new life in the sacred fount of His grace.


To The Fountain Of Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

To the fountain of Jesus’ blood,
My sin and need I brought,
By simple faith received from Him,
The cleansing I sought.

He cleanses, He cleanses, and fills my soul with light
He saves me, He saves me from sin and all its blight;
He cleanses, He cleanses, and frees from chains that bound,
I’ll Him, I’ll serve Him,
And make His praise resound.

‘Neath the shelter of precious blood
That flowed from Jesus’ side,
My conscience, freed from all its fears,
Can peacefully abide.


Of the power of the Savior’s blood,
To blot out ev’ry stain,
My lips the tidings would fortell,
And the glad .


To the fountain of Jesus’ blood,
O come and life receive,
There’s cleansing in the sacred fount
For all who will believe.


Meaning of To The Fountain Of Jesus Blood

To The Fountain of Jesus’ Blood: Finding Forgiveness and Freedom in Faith

In the depths of our sin and need, we approach the spiritual fountain that is Jesus’ blood. Through simple faith, we acknowledge our imperfections and seek the cleansing that only He can provide. It is through this faith that we find ourselves filled with light, saved from the darkness of sin and its destructive effects. As we experience His cleansing power, we are liberated from the chains that once bound us. Our hearts are filled with love for Him, and we are driven to serve and praise Him.

Just as a physical fountain provides refreshing water, the fountain of Jesus’ blood offers something far greater – spiritual refreshment and . When we find ourselves under the shelter of His precious blood, which flowed from His side on the cross, our conscience is freed from all fears. In this safe haven of forgiveness, we can rest and experience a deep sense of serenity. No longer burdened by or shame, we are able to embrace life with joy and purpose.

The power of the Savior’s blood is immeasurable. It has the ability to blot out every stain, no matter how deep or . When we taste the of this redemption, our lips cannot help but share the good news with others. We feel compelled to tell the world about the transformative power of Jesus’ blood. Our voices join together in harmony to sing the glad refrain of His mercy and forgiveness. The chorus of our praise rises up, echoing in the heavens.

To access the cleansing and life-giving power of Jesus’ blood, all are invited to come and receive. There is no exclusion, no limit, no boundary. The sacred fount stands ready, welcoming all who are to believe. It is a place of transformation, where the old self is washed , and a new, forgiven self emerges. In this fountain, we find not only forgiveness for our past, but also the strength to move forward with and purpose.

As we immerse ourselves in the fountain of Jesus’ blood, we discover the richness of His grace. It is a grace that knows no bounds – a grace that is freely given to all who seek it. It is a grace that flows from His wounded side, reminding us of the immense sacrifice He made for our redemption. In this grace, we find healing for our brokenness, restoration for our wounded souls, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As we partake in the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, let us remember to let His love shine through us. Let us share the good news of His forgiveness and freedom with those around us. Through our words, actions, and lives, we can make His praise resound throughout the world. May our love for Him be evident in all that we do, as we serve and honor Him with grateful hearts.

In conclusion, the hymn “To The Fountain of Jesus’ Blood” invites us to approach the cleansing power of His sacrifice with simple faith. It reminds us that through His blood, we are cleansed, saved, and freed from the chains of sin. This beautiful hymn encourages us to seek the shelter of His precious blood, share the good news of His forgiveness, and find new life in the sacred fount of His grace. May we all be inspired to approach the fountain of Jesus’ blood, to receive His cleansing, and to let His love flow through us, bringing light and hope to a world in need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover forgiveness and freedom in the fountain of Jesus' blood. Through simple faith, find cleansing, salvation, and liberation from sin's chains. Let His love shine through as you share His grace.


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