To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise! – Hymn Lyric
Oh, Eternal Soul, how deserving art thou of our praise! From ancient times until the present day, through the hearts and minds of saints and prophets, Thou hast bestowed upon us thy divine light, love, and Word. We are truly grateful for the magnificent souls who have carried your light and shared your wisdom with us. Throughout history, these mighty ones have illuminated the path before us, guiding us towards goodness and righteousness. They have brought your living light into our lives, allowing us to find our way in this vast world. From Moses leading the Israelites through the desert to Martin Luther King Jr. leading the civil rights movement, each of these noble souls has shaped the course of humanity for the better. But let us not forget the impact of the humble and gentle souls who have graced our lives as well. It is through their kindness and compassion that we are uplifted and inspired. They may not possess grand titles or be known by the masses, but their warm hearts and shining spirits bring us closer to heaven. Their genuine love and devotion make our wandering feet find solace and direction. Lord, we are eternally grateful for the boundless love that each of your saints has shown. They have exemplified your divine love, extending their hands to help and support those in need. They have understood that true love is not self-serving but rather a selfless dedication to serving others. Through their actions, they have reminded us of the importance of kindness, empathy, and compassion. Moreover, we offer our thanks for the powerful words that have coursed through the ages, providing solace and guidance in the darkest of nights. Your Spirit spoke through the resounding trumpets of the prophets who humbly bowed before your throne. Their prophetic voices proclaimed your truth, reminding us of our responsibilities, urging us to seek justice, and challenging us to live with integrity. In these troubled times, when the world seems filled with confusion, hatred, and despair, we beseech Thee, Eternal Soul, to keep our souls pure. Grant us the strength and courage to follow the path of your saints and prophets. May we endure with unwavering faith and steadfast hearts. May our lives reflect your eternal light, love, and Word. And so, dear Lord, we implore Thee to continue sending forth your light, love, and Word through your devoted servants. Equip them with the wisdom and strength to carry your message to all corners of the earth. May they touch the lives of countless souls, transforming darkness into light, hatred into love, and despair into hope. To Thee, Eternal Soul, be praise! We offer our gratitude for thy guidance and boundless love. May Thy light shine upon us always, and may our lives forever be filled with the radiance of your presence. Amen.
Table of Contents
To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise! – Hymn Lyric
To Thee, Eternal Soul, be praise!
Who, from of old to our own days,
Through souls of saints and prophets, Lord,
Hast sent Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.
We thank Thee for each mighty one
Through whom Thy living light hath shone;
And for each humble soul and sweet
That lights to heaven our wandering feet.
We thank Thee for the love divine
Made real in every saint of Thine;
That boundless love itself that gives
In service to each soul that lives.
We thank Thee for the Word of might
Thy Spirit spake in darkest night.
Spake through the trumpet voices loud
Of prophets at Thy throne who bowed.
Eternal Soul, our souls keep pure,
That like Thy saints we may endure;
Forever through Thy servants, Lord,
Send Thou Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.
Meaning of To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise!
To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise!
Oh, Eternal Soul, how deserving art thou of our praise! From ancient times until the present day, through the hearts and minds of saints and prophets, Thou hast bestowed upon us thy divine light, love, and Word. We are truly grateful for the magnificent souls who have carried your light and shared your wisdom with us.
Throughout history, these mighty ones have illuminated the path before us, guiding us towards goodness and righteousness. They have brought your living light into our lives, allowing us to find our way in this vast world. From Moses leading the Israelites through the desert to Martin Luther King Jr. leading the civil rights movement, each of these noble souls has shaped the course of humanity for the better.
But let us not forget the impact of the humble and gentle souls who have graced our lives as well. It is through their kindness and compassion that we are uplifted and inspired. They may not possess grand titles or be known by the masses, but their warm hearts and shining spirits bring us closer to heaven. Their genuine love and devotion make our wandering feet find solace and direction.
Lord, we are eternally grateful for the boundless love that each of your saints has shown. They have exemplified your divine love, extending their hands to help and support those in need. They have understood that true love is not self-serving but rather a selfless dedication to serving others. Through their actions, they have reminded us of the importance of kindness, empathy, and compassion.
Moreover, we offer our thanks for the powerful words that have coursed through the ages, providing solace and guidance in the darkest of nights. Your Spirit spoke through the resounding trumpets of the prophets who humbly bowed before your throne. Their prophetic voices proclaimed your truth, reminding us of our responsibilities, urging us to seek justice, and challenging us to live with integrity.
In these troubled times, when the world seems filled with confusion, hatred, and despair, we beseech Thee, Eternal Soul, to keep our souls pure. Grant us the strength and courage to follow the path of your saints and prophets. May we endure with unwavering faith and steadfast hearts. May our lives reflect your eternal light, love, and Word.
And so, dear Lord, we implore Thee to continue sending forth your light, love, and Word through your devoted servants. Equip them with the wisdom and strength to carry your message to all corners of the earth. May they touch the lives of countless souls, transforming darkness into light, hatred into love, and despair into hope.
To Thee, Eternal Soul, be praise! We offer our gratitude for thy guidance and boundless love. May Thy light shine upon us always, and may our lives forever be filled with the radiance of your presence. Amen.
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